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Timothy Posemato

Friday 6th of September 2024

I lost my baby girl Sophie on labor day morning. She became part of my life 14 years ago. She brought many smile, laughs and memories,to my life. The house is very empty now even though there's another pet. I expect to see her walk around the corner any minute. She was the light of my life. I've never had someone that was quite like her. Her favorite food was McDonald's fries. I used to take her out for rides and stop at McDonald's and she would get so excited. I'm going to get another one when the time is right, not just yet.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 6th of September 2024

I'm so sorry Timothy. I know how hard it is to lose them when they are such a part of your life. You are smart to wait until you are ready to get another one. It can backfire if you get one too soon.

Gina Vines

Wednesday 5th of June 2024

Cathy, I'm sorry someone told you it was your fault that Lucas became diabetic. That was a thoughtless comment, and totally untrue. I find your recipes very helpful. You are a wonderful pet owner and person. Thank you for all of the wonderful information you provide. I also enjoy seeing all of the adorable pictures.

Gina Vines

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 5th of June 2024

Thanks Gina. That makes me feel better.


Tuesday 4th of June 2024

In looking for a teacup applehead Chihuahua long haired puppies

Cathy Bendzunas

Tuesday 4th of June 2024

Sorry Marissa, I don't sell Chihuahuas, I just write about them.

Al Schlidt

Friday 24th of May 2024

Hi Cathy. Your site opened with no issues from my AT&T server. Have a great Memorial Day and thanks for your web site.


Tuesday 30th of April 2024

I just wanted to say thank you for putting in such a great Article about the farmer's dog I was thinking so much about all of it because some of the reviews people have talked about their animals being deathly sick and some other things and it made me nervous cause I just big supply of it for my 3 shizzles it made me think that Maybe it's just his dog maybe I haven't looked enough for the reviews cause there has to be good reviews out there not just bad or else it would Not be on the market LOL but I feel a little more confident after reading your article how are you a dogs now are they still healthy and happy and do you still recommend Farmers dog ? I know it was 2014 but I just wanted to Check-in with you

Cathy Bendzunas

Sunday 5th of May 2024

Yes, I still like Farmers Dog. I go through spells where I will just make my dogs food but then I get tired of it and I will get back on the subscription plan for Farmers Dog or one of the other dog food services. My dogs still do well on it.