Everyone knows the importance of regular exercise, and the great benefit of owning a dog, such as a Chihuahua, is that you’re already one step ahead of the game. Research shows that dog owners walk 22 minutes more per day than individuals without a pet pooch. While walking is a great form of exercise, you …
For ages, dogs have worked alongside humans as a trusty companion for farming, hunting and even herding sheeps. However, these days, dogs as pets, hardly need to work and that leaves with a lot of time to spare. It is quintessential to stimulate your pets mentally in order to help relieve their boredom. If you …
There are lots of times when it’s hard for our dogs to get outside for some fun time and exercise. It may be too hot, too cold, raining or snowing. If it goes on for more than a day or two, my dogs tend go stir crazy. I’m home most of the day with my …