Have you ever noticed that your chihuahua stares at you for an uncomfortably long time? Learn about the reasons why chihuahuas stare and how to interpret their behavior.
Chihuahua Training
Chihuahuas can make great companions for cats. Learn more about Chihuahua temperament and how to introduce them. Get tips on socializing, training, and creating harmony between them.
No matter the size or breed of a dog, biting is not acceptable behavior. If your Chihuahua has bitten you, understanding why is crucial to overcoming the issue. Without the why, training will lack the proper direction necessary to eradicate this dangerous behavior. This article will help you understand the why behind the bite so that you may effectively begin training your Chi.
Chihuahuas can be a handful to manage. Learn how to calm your Chihuahua down with these 5 easy ways.
Chihuahuas are famous for being attached to their people. As this is a universal trait across various dogs of the breed, it is part of the petite package that is the tiny but mighty Chihuahua. Why are these little dogs this way? Let’s discuss: The Temperament Of The Chihuahua Dogs are all individuals as humans …