Explore how far Chihuahuas can walk, including tips for adjusting routines based on age, health, and weather for optimal exercise.
Although chihuahua dogs are tiny, they still need exercise to keep them fit and healthy.
You may be wondering how often you should walk your Chihuahua. There are different factors to consider and this post will help you determine the right amount of time for your chihuahua.
When it’s cold outside and your dog doesn’t want to go on a walk. It’s tempting to just stay inside with them, but it’s important they get exercise too. Here are 10 tips for exercising your dog in winter.
The number of pet-friendly listings on Airbnb is rising constantly, and airlines are increasingly offering pet packages to tourists. As a result, more of us are able to take our beloved pets on vacation with us. For those who don’t encounter water on their daily walks, suddenly being beside the ocean or a lake can present a dilemma: can …
If you would like to shed a few pounds, maintain weight loss, or boost your fitness level, one piece of the puzzle you may not have considered in the past – is your chihuahua! As noted in a study by researchers at Kansas State University, both Americans and their pets need more exercise to fight obesity. …