Americans spend almost 22 of 24 hours of their day indoors, which indicates the impact that poor indoor quality can have on human and pet health. Chihuahuas need up to 30 minutes a day of exercise, so they are less likely than terriers or other ultra-active breeds to be out in the open air. Every day, your chi …
Chihuahua Health
Most dog people encourage their furry friends to cover them with kisses. Chihuahua owners especially must be okay with lots of kisses and cuddles, since these little guys love their people. Other people gasp when your dog licks your face, saying “Yuck! You’re going to get sick!”. Though you probably shrug it off, do you …
Naturally, we pet parents are concerned about our dogs’ health. We want our babies to be as happy and healthy as possible! One of the things we must learn is how to know if your dog is sick – and when you should take your dog to a veterinarian. When your dog starts to exhibit …
Many people wonder if their dog’s teeth really need to be brushed. The answer is a definite yes, especially if the dog is a chihuahua. As chihuahuas are one of the longest living breeds of dogs, the pearly whites that snatch bacon off your plate need loving care just like the rest of your chihuahua …
Rawhides have been a popular dog chew for years, but there are several reasons why rawhide may not be the best choice for your dog.