These two are fun to watch. The Chi named Riley wants to sleep right next to Appa, the Great Dane but he can’t decide if he wants to groom him or bite him. Appa seems good natured about it, which is lucky for Riley, since he could swallow him in one bite!
Chihuahua Videos
Kimi the Chihuahua was going through a phantom pregnancy when she was given Wilson, an abandoned Meerkat baby to raise as her own. Watching them play together is so cute. So I wonder, does Wilson think he’s a dog now?
I love watching this little Chi smile for her mommy! So cute!
Although my Chihuahua isn’t as bad as Diesel, she does like to hide things in her bed so she is a little hoarder too. This guy takes the cake though! A fun watch!
This little Chi is trying to match the pitch to his mom’s playing the flute (is that a flute or a piccolo?) I know some will say he’s doing that because he’s in pain but if he’s in pain, why is he just sitting there? Why doesn’t he try to get as far away from …