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Am I Cute?

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Yes you are!

Am i cute

Priscilla Kaiser

Friday 4th of March 2022

I love this breed. They are so loving and loyal. The steal your heart and when you lose one they take a piece of your heart with them!


Friday 4th of March 2022

I totally agree Priscilla!

Debra Duguid

Wednesday 19th of January 2022

Maybe I need to update. Anyhow I lost my precious Bella in October 10th of 2021. She was 17 years old the love of my life. I love all animals I've always had pets all kinds of dogs but the Chihuahua is my heart. They are very special, and need to be treated that way especially as far as training goes. I got a new pup a boy. I named him Phillip flip for short. He's a bouncer and a flipper LOL. Wasn't sure if I was ready? But I got really sick and depressed I lost 20 lb sad all the time crying in fact I'm still upset. But definitely Philip has made my life a lot more normal so to say. Can't wait to send a pic!


Wednesday 19th of January 2022

The sweet babies definitely know how to heal our hearts!

Debra Duguid

Wednesday 19th of January 2022

I've been checking out your Chi site for a couple months now.But I just noticed that I read a post from 2021.


Wednesday 19th of January 2022

Yep, this site started back in 2013 so there are lots of older posts on here.

Karen Cadle

Wednesday 17th of November 2021

I have three chihuahuas...two 3.5 pounders, and one 9 pound girl. All girls and all irreplacable. They are the best. I rescued my first one many years ago, but had to get another when she died. Then another rescue, and then, one more rescue. And when I lose one of these, which I hope doesn't happen anytime soon, I WILL be looking for another little one! I love the tiny ones, and always will.


Wednesday 17th of November 2021

Thank you for rescuing those sweet babies!


Friday 12th of November 2021

A little angel with a little streak of loveable mischief, a much loved little puppy.