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Black Chihuahuas

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Did you know that black dogs in general are discriminated against? They are more often found in shelters than any other colored dog and are the least likely to be adopted. Why I don’t know. I think black is beautiful! In fact three out of four of my dogs are black.

Below you will find my gallery of beautiful black Chihuahuas. Some of them may have a touch of another color in them but the dominant color will be black. Where I know the Chi’s and their pet parent’s name, I’ll be sure to add it under the photo.

So sit back enjoy some beautiful, lovable Black Chihuahuas!



Of course I had to start with my own Chihuahua Kilo. Sadly she has passed now. As you can see she wasn’t completely black. Her muzzle and a little bit of her chest was white. She actually had a little white on her legs too but it was mixed in with black and looked grey. Love and miss my Kilo!

Nevaeh the Chihuahua

This little beauty is named Nevaeh the Chihuahua and is loved by Tammy Lynn Hill-Hendershot.

Maxx the Chihuahua

Here’s another Chi that looks to be pure black. His name is Maxx and his mommy is Adriana Llanas Rivera‎.

Oscar and Emmy the Chis

Aren’t these two gorgeous? This is Emmy and Oscar (cute, huh?) and they belong to Joys van der Weide‎.

Chico the Chihuahua

This little guy looks like he’s a lot of fun, huh? His name is Chico and his mom is Carla Bake.

Gypsy the ChiI love the eyes on this Chihuahua.Her (I think it’s a she) is Gypsy. She is loved by Lisa Noyes‎.

Max the Chi

We have another Max, short for Maximus Prime. Doesn’t he look like a sweetie? His mom is Tatjana Hairston‎.

Peanut the Chihuahua

This little Chihuahua is black and white and may have a little tan in him too which would make him a Black Tri-Colored. His name is Peanut and his mommy is Tammy Roberts Tighe‎. His mom says he’s a sweet boy but doesn’t like cats.

Black Chihuahua puppy

Don’t you just want to cuddle this sweet little long haired puppy? I sure do.

Black and white ChihuahuaIsn’t this Black and White Chihuahua striking? I don’t know his or her name but the pet parent is Bern Muniz.

Pasha the black chi

This cutie pie is Pasha. That’s all the information I have about him or her.

Black ChihuahuaI don’t have any info on this sweet little girl, but she looks ready for a ride in the car.

Snickers the ChihuahuaThis is a Black and Tan Long Haired Chihuahua puppy named Snickers. Precious!


I don’t know anything about this little Chi but I love how his/her eyes seem to look into your soul.

Harley the Chihuahua

This gorgeous little black and white Chi is named Harley. Love that smile!

Little Miss lollie Pop!

This is Little Miss Lollie Pop. She a Tri-color Black Chi. See the tan leg there? That’s where the third color comes in.

BJ the Chihuahua

This perky little pup is named BJ. What a cutie!

Luna Star the ChihuahuaThis gorgeous long haired black and tan Chihuahua is named Luna Star. Look at those beautiful eyes!

Black the Chihuahua

This gorgeous pure black Chihuahua is appropriately named Blacky.

 black chi in bedPretty little long haired Chihuahua looks like she isn’t ready to get out of bed yet.

Play with me!

I don’t know anything about this little guy but doesn’t it look like he’s saying “Play with me!” ?

Pandy the Chihuahua

This cute little Black and White Chihuahua is named Pandy.

T-Rex the Chihuahua

This cute black and white Chihuahua pup is named T-Rex. Somehow it’s appropriate and funny too.

tiny black pup

OMG! Look at this cute adorable baby!

tri-color Chihuahua

This pretty little Tri-colored Chi belongs to  Lorna Nugent.

Louie the Chihuahua

Black and tan Louie looks ready to play.

killer and diesel

These handsome lads are Killer and Diesel.

Black Chi in boot

Can you find the Chihuahua?

 chi in jacket

Pretty eyes! Love this little guy!

Charlie is a cutie!

This tri-color boy is named Charlie.

long hair black chihuahua
This cute little guy is Teddy and he belongs to Pat de Lacey. Pat says Teddy is 5 years old. He was the last gift given to her by her husband before he passed away.

So that’s our gallery of black Chis! Hope you enjoyed it!




Nina Duval

Friday 5th of July 2024

I have a black chihuahua and her name Godiva because she is decadent!

I wasn’t entirely certain how to upload her picture. I

If you post another set I’ll be happy to share her photo.

Thanks Nina

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 5th of July 2024

Thanks Nina. I like the name Godiva. Sne me her photo and tell me you'd like for ehr to be added to the Black Chihuahuas post and I'll add her. The email is

Doreen Cherf

Saturday 4th of February 2023

I also have 2 beautiful black chihuahuas . Champ is 10 , and his son is 8 . I got Champ at 7 weeks . Would love to send in their pics .


Friday 3rd of February 2023

loved them all Cathy! i had a little black and tan Chi named Tyson and he passed about 15 yrs ago ! i still miss him even now ! he was so smart and precious !


Sunday 5th of February 2023

I'm glad you loved them Cheryl!


Wednesday 7th of December 2022

I have a sweet boy Mike. He is going to be 24 years old in March 2023. He lives with my husband as I can not have him where I live now.He is a true color black. My husband always tells people Mike is a German shepherd that shrunk in the bath. If I can figure out how to send his most current pictures , I will. The little camera attachment icon isn’t showing up on this comment.


Wednesday 7th of December 2022

Wow 24! That's amazing. People can no longer add comments to the blog as the app I use to use to allow that stopped working and I wasn't able to find a replacement. I did get your email though and answered you.


Wednesday 7th of December 2022

I have two chihuahuas Vin and Diesel.

Diesel is a red sable and a tiny royal menace. He also picked me; I didn't pick him. I knew I wanted a chihuahua when I went to see the litter, but I wasn't sure who would suit my personality best. I was laying on the floor playing with everyone and Diesel just climbed up on my back and went to sleep. How could I say no to that?

Vin is black with white markings and the sweetest little guy. I got him after Diesel and from the same breeder. I don't normally pick a dog out before meeting them, but something told me that I needed to have this little black fluff-ball join my family. I know now it's because my partner was destined to de picked as Vin's person. Vin just loves my partner and he loves Vin back. It's beautiful 🥰


Wednesday 7th of December 2022

It must have been meant to be.