For Chihuahuas, eye problems can be a significant cause of concern. After all, while they are a relatively healthy dog breed, their protruding eyes and close proximity to the ground put them at high risk for both eye problems and infections. The following examines the most common eye problems in Chihuahuas, as well as the causes and treatment options.
Dry Eyes (Kerato Conjunctivitis Sicca or KCS)
This is a common eye issue that is caused by a significant lack of tear production in either one or both eyes. It is most often seen in Chihuahuas over the age of 6, though this isn’t always the case. It may be the result of a genetic defect, viral infection, hypothyroidism, or aging. Symptoms include:
- Eyes that have a dull appearance or are red and irritated
- Constant blinking
- Eyes that are sticky and/ or are hard to blink after waking up
- Eye discharge that is thick and green
If your veterinarian determines your Chihuahua is suffering from dry eye, he or she will likely order eye lubricating drops or medication designed to stimulate tear production. In addition, you can gently wipe your Chihuahua’s eyes with a warm washcloth several times a day, especially after they have woken up. While it may not seem like a serious condition, dry eyes do have the potential to cause permanent damage or blindness if left untreated.
Foreign Object in Eye
Along with dry eyes, this is the most eye problem seen in Chihuahuas. This can be something as small as a speck of dust, sand, or grass. Signs that your Chihuahua may have something in his eyes include:
- Excessive tearing
- Pawing/ rubbing at the eye
- Rubbing his face on the ground
- Squinting
- Swelling of the eye or eyelid
If this is something small, you may be able to use saline solution to flush the object out of his eye. If flushing is ineffective, you will need to go to the vet immediately, where they have both the proper training and equipment to safely remove the object.
Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy
Usually caused by the type of breed, aging, or inflammation of the uvea (the eye’s middle layer), corneal endothelial dystrophy occurs when not enough fluid is getting to the cornea (the eye’s outer layer), which leaves it dehydrated and causes the cornea to take on a bluish haze. This hazy color tends to be the first indication of a problem, though if it is allowed to progress, your Chihuahua may also exhibit some visual impairment.
If your dog suffers from this eye condition and the vet determines he needs treatment, a topical hyperosmotic agent that draws fluid out of the eye and reduces intraocular pressure, will most likely be prescribed, though in some cases no treatment is needed. This is a life-long condition and tends to be especially severe in Chihuahuas.
Corneal Ulcer
Most often the result of any trauma to the eye, such as a scratch, puncture, or abrasion, or a foreign object in the eye, corneal ulcers are common in all breeds of dogs and cats. Most ulcers only involve the top layer of the cornea and are considered superficial. Deeper ulcers that involve other layers of the cornea are more severe. Symptoms of a corneal ulcer include:
- Runny eyes
- A noticeable film over the eye, a red and inflamed appearance, or discharge from the eye
- Your pet may try to keep the affected eye closed
Treatment usually includes topical antibiotics, medications that control eye muscle spasms, and pain medication. If your Chihuahua continues to paw at his eye, he may be fitted with a neck collar. Thankfully, they usually heal in less than a week.
Lens Luxation
Though it is not very common, lens luxation is an eye condition you should be familiar with.
It involves the displacement or dislocation of the lens within the eye and is usually the result of eye trauma, congenital lens deformities, or glaucoma, though sometimes there is no known cause. Symptoms include:
- The eye suddenly becomes white
- Pain, squinting, increased tearing
Treatment is dependent on the location of the lens and the potential for vision. Typically, this includes surgically removing the lens and lowering the pressure within the eye. In severe cases, the removal of the entire eye may be necessary.
Cataracts usually happen when a dog gets older. It causes the dog’s pupils to become cloudy and whitish and the dog’s vision will worsen over time, eventually causing blindness. Surgery is the treatment for this condition.
Dogs with glaucoma often become blind from the condition. It is caused by pressure on the optic nerve by a fluid buildup. It can also cause headaches for the dog.
Your vet will prescribe eye drops for you to use to help decrease the pressures in your dog’s eye. If these medications do not help, there is a surgery that can be performed to help decrease eye production. In extreme cases, the eye has to be removed to remove the pain from the swelling.
Cherry Eye
Cherry eye is the prolapsed gland of the 3rd eyelid. It causes no pain or vision loss but it does look odd. It can be cured by a steroid ointment but if that doesn’t work, then surgery is recommended.
This is just a look at some of the eye problems Chihuahuas frequently experience. Keep in mind that the preceding information is meant to be informative and should not be used in lieu of a visit to the veterinarian. If your dog is having eye problems, please get them checked out by your vet.
Click to find about other chihuahua health problems.

Dr. Sara Ochoa
This article has been fact-checked and approved by Dr. Sara Ochoa DVM. You can read more about her on our About page.
Friday 7th of June 2024
I have a rescue Chihuahua that we know Absolutely nothing about other than he’s probably around 10 when you look at his eyes, they look normal, but he shows signs that there’s vision issues. He startles very quickly. He’ll bite at pillows if you move a pillow that he doesn’t know that’s coming, he wants to be hidden under a blanket. It’s like if the lights are too bright he doesn’t want to be sitting in that area. He wants to be covered up and we noticed that with our other animals if he actually doesn’t see them coming and just kind of gets the shadow of them he wants to run over and attack. It’s like he doesn’t see it , he has troubles with the stairs that we let hi m out it takes him five minutes to find the door again just curious if this is just a Chihuahua thing or whether that maybe there is actually something wrong with his eyes again he’s a rescue that someone threw out on the highway with his bed and his bowls that we rescued
Cathy Bendzunas
Friday 7th of June 2024
Poor little guy! It breaks my heart how some dogs are treated. I'm glad he found a good home with you. In answer to your question, it definitely sounds like a vision problem.
cheryl lussier
Saturday 16th of March 2024
i have a 9month old chihuahua her eyes are runny i use angel eye wipes on her but is there a cause or heridity
Cathy Bendzunas
Saturday 16th of March 2024
Yes, sometimes it's heredity but often times it's allergies. We have an article about it here:
Tuesday 27th of June 2023
My four year old chihuahua has a grayish bluish color over his eyes. He is squinting and has a brownish discharge on insides of both eyes. He is otherwise healthy and eating normal. I have been wiping his eyes with warm washcloth and been massaging his tear ducts and giving him anti microbial eye gel. I’m going to take him to the vet because it came on all of a sudden when I started using my fans. I’m very concerned because his eyes are completely clouded over with a grayish, bluish color and he is beginning to keep them closed. Do you know what these symptoms can be?
Cathy Bendzunas
Tuesday 27th of June 2023
I don't know what that could be but please let me know what the vet says. It sounds serious.
Sian Costello
Wednesday 4th of January 2023
Is there someone I can send a photo to ? My chihuahua has developed something strange in the inner corner of his eyes. Something milky looking in side his eye ball.
Wednesday 4th of January 2023
You are welcome to email a photo to me at but I'm not a vet so I may not be much help to you.
Tuesday 10th of May 2022
My 8 year old Chihuahua has Like a pimple in her eyes lower lid and the other eye lowers lid inside the eye lower lid and swelled up kind off, Vet tomorrow
Tuesday 17th of May 2022
@Cathy, She got Medicine: drops, antibiotics and pills for the swelling
Tuesday 10th of May 2022
Poor baby! Let me know how it goes at the vet's.