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Feisty Little Chi Puppies

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These adorable sweet little puppies are also quite feisty! They are full of themselves! So cute and fun to watch.

Linda straton

Monday 22nd of August 2022

Good morning all, I need to ask does any chihuahua just go into a frenzy state for just no reason? She starts wanting to bite us and doesn’t stop for hours. I take her for long walks, we play , train. She is 5 months old and we love her to death, but she just won’t do her potty where she needs to either. Any tips would be appreciated.


Monday 22nd of August 2022

That's a little scary. I would ask her vet about it to rule out any medical issues causing this. Sometimes bad breeding causes crazy behavior like this. The potty thing is very common with chis. We have a couple of posts you can check out about it:

Salvatore Tuzza

Tuesday 11th of January 2022
