I wrote this on the first day of winter, and even though the temps were well into the 70’s here (they to reached the 80’s by Christmas Eve) I know the cold weather will hit us sooner or later. It may have already hit where you live.
Every winter, people do their best to prepare for the cold. We fill up our oil tanks, buy new blankets, and purchase new winter coats. And of course, we can’t forget our beloved little Chihuahuas! Being that they are naturally warm-weather dogs, the cold temps can be rough on them.
If you are seeking ways to keep your fur baby warm and toasty, here are a few useful ideas.
Buying salt to melt the snow on your walkway is something you probably do without even thinking about it. You probably have never considered the harmful effect these products can have on your chihuahua’s paws.
It is best to use sand since your pet’s paws are used to walking across gritty paths, but if you must use salt, make sure that you only consider brands that are labeled as pet-safe.
Instead of taking your dog on long extended walks like you do when it is warmer outside, you should start going out for only brief periods. Breaking up their outdoor time is a great idea since this means they will not be exposed to the elements for too long.
If you usually go out for 40 minutes at a time, you should consider 10-minute walks four times daily. Your dog will get the same amount of activity as normal without worrying about frostbite.

Keep an eye on your dog when walking them outside to be sure they don’t lick up any antifreeze that one of your neighbors may have spilled. It’s highly toxic and the older containers of antifreeze had a sweet taste that animals were attracted to. The newer ones have had something put in them to discourage animals but you never know what kind of antifreeze someone has used.
Purchase a winter coat for your dog. This is the only article of clothing that is really necessary. You do not want to buy a coat that is so heavy that your dog feels stifled. Sure, you want to keep them warm, but they already have a layer of fur. The coat you buy should reinforce the warmth from their fur without being overpowering.
While you may be tempted to buy the boots to match, they are an uncomfortable nuisance for many dogs. If you know your dog will wear them, go ahead and get them as they will add extra protection for your dog’s paws.
Recently one of our readers mentioned that she puts on the really tiny balloons (not blown up, of course) over her Chi’s paws. I thought that was an interesting idea.
You can also use paw balm to create a barrier of protection for their paws when outside.
Speaking of paws, leave a soft towel near your door to wipe your dog’s paws when they come inside. It’s a good way to keep them from dragging in mud, snow, etc. This is the time to also check your dog’s paws for any cracking or other injuries from the cold weather.
Also, wipe their bellies. Since we have such little guys, their undersides can often come in contact with de-icers and other bad things.

When you think about heating pad, you probably think about those ugly, bulky monstrosities that old grannies use to stay warm at night. There are actually products that are made specifically for keeping pets warm when it is frigid outside. Placing this pad on top of a bed that has been fitted with additional padding is the perfect way to show your chihuahua you love them.
Indoor pee pads and real grass patches are ideal if you live in an area that is particularly rough during the winter. Instead of letting the dog go out into the yard alone or walking them through the neighborhood, you can let them use the bathroom indoors. The only downside to this is that you will have to be vigilant and clean up after them right away, or your home will smell less than pleasant.
Of course, snuggle with those fur babies whenever you can. My dogs want me to hold them all the time when it’s chilly. Does your Chihuahua do that too?
Have any tips I have forgotten? Leave them in the comments!

Cathy Bendzunas
Pet Blogger
Saturday 13th of January 2024
I have a 4-1/2 lb chi. Her name is Pixie & she is 6 months old.
Issue #1: I am having trouble finding clothes that are small enough to fit her correctly. Any suggestions?
Issue #2: I also have an 8 yr old chi. His name is Milo. I cannot get Pixie to stop chasing & biting on Milo-playfully though but still very annoying for him. Putting her in her kennel for a time out doesn’t even phase her. Any suggestions?
Cathy Bendzunas
Sunday 14th of January 2024
Yes, check out this post: https://ilovemychi.com/find-clothes-for-tiny-dogs/
What does Milo do when Pixie bothers him? This is something that dogs usually work out among themselves. When he gets annoyed enough, he will probably snap at her and that's when she will learn to not pester him. Of course, continue to do the timeouts and say no in a stern voice. She's still pretty young. It may take her awhile to catch on. Part of it is probably teething too at that age.
Saturday 4th of November 2023
Any suggestions when the temperature is cold my Chi has trouble breathing when outside for just a potty break.
Cathy Bendzunas
Saturday 4th of November 2023
Not really, just make sure they have a sweater or coat on but you are probably already doing that.
Wednesday 29th of June 2022
Abby loves to be playing in the backyard! I just adopted her 3 weeks ago and we are bonding very quickly! Since she loves the back yard so much I do not know what I'm going to do when is cold and icy or when it rains heavily! Any ideas?
Wednesday 29th of June 2022
She will probably not want to go out as much when it turns cold but when she does, just put a sweater or coat on her and have some warm blankets waiting for her when she comes back inside. I sometimes throw a blanket in the dryer when I take my dogs out in the winter and then take it out when we come back in. They flock to it like a moth to a flame. Also find some things she can do indoors such as interactive toys. We have a post that may give you some ideas here: https://ilovemychi.com/indoor-games-to-play-with-your-chihuahua/
Deborah Vogg
Monday 30th of December 2019
I have a chihuahua I got from the Animal Shelter who is the light of my life, her name is Carly which mean small and strong, she is a deer head Chi, which was 6 pound when I got her. Now she is about 9 pounds and the Vet said she is not over weight. Read that deer heads can be bigger than the apple heads. All I want is a healthy little girl. I walk her daily about four blocks both ways. Would take a picture of her but don't know how to post it. But like I said she is my life. Any ideas about what is a good Chi mom? Thank you.
Monday 30th of December 2019
It sounds like you already are a good chi mom Deborah! If the vet says she's not overweight, all you need to worry about is maintaining her current weight. Limit her snacks, keep her on a high quality food and on days the weather is too bad to take her for a walk, maybe play a few indoor games with her.
And yes, deer heads are often bigger than appleheads.
Judy Patacchia
Saturday 28th of December 2019
Do calming shirts help dogs who stress out when traveling in a car/trucks. Our little girl pants and shakes when traveling. We worry about her and it is very annoying to us.
Saturday 28th of December 2019
It works with many dogs but not all of them. It's worth a try though. CBD oil may also help as it relaxes them.