Cathy and baby therapy rat. He belongs to Abby from http://www.thechesnutmutts.com
I am still in Phoenix as I write this. I’m taking the red eye tonight at 11pm to go home to Virginia Beach.
This was my first BlogPaws conference which is a conference for pet bloggers. It was a long way to come for this and the entire trip was not cheap. I did pay for the conference ticket and the plane tickets last year (before Kilo developed serious health problems). And I had 2 friends come out with me (they did the vacation thing while I was in the conference) and we all shared a hotel room so that really helped cut down that expense. Also BlogPaws fed us very well so I didn’t have to worry about paying for food.
It was held at the beautiful Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort and Spa in Chandler Arizona (outside of Phoenix). Yes it’s been hot here but I’d take a 112 degree day here over a 90 degree day in Virginia Beach any day. Dry heat is much more comfortable than humid heat.
I came out here specifically to learn some new things in the classes, to meet people that I have only known online, and to network with other pet bloggers.
As an introvert, it’s hard for me to be in large crowds and to talk to lots of strangers. I’m fine one on one with people, but not so much with large groups of people. Can anyone relate? So I didn’t really network as much as I wanted but I did meet some new people. I did also learn some new things so this trip was a success.
It was fun too. I specially enjoyed the red carpet walk on the last night of the conference. People and their fur kids walked down the aisle and had all of us bystanders take photos of them like they were celebrities. I didn’t do the walk since I didn’t bring any of my dogs but I did take lots of photos! See some of the animals and their parents below
Here is a photo of me and my two teacher buddies who came to Phoenix with me:
I have lots of other photos but that’s enough for now. I do hope I can go to BlogPaws 2017 which will be held in Myrtle Beach SC. I’m so glad for that since it’s an about 5-6 hour drive and so similar to Virginia Beach, I will feel right at home.
Have you ever been to a conference? If so, I’d love to hear your experience!
Dixie Greschuk
Saturday 22nd of April 2017
Cathy, what a wonderful time you must have had in Phoenix! I am an introvert like you and it would have given me a lot of fears to have gone there alone, not knowing anyone. I envy you for putting that introvert aside and go enjoy a wonderful experience with other Chi lovers. It is good that your next one will be close enough to take Kilo.
Saturday 22nd of April 2017
Thanks Dixie. I learned a long time ago that if I let my introvert nature call the shots, I was going to miss out on a lot of life. So I force myself to get out of my comfort zone and do things. Most of the time, I'm glad I did it.
Thursday 15th of September 2016
I don't think I met you at BlogPaws, which is a shame because I'm a chi lady too! It was my first Blogpaws too, I had Matilda with me, but I think it would have been easier to get things done if I didn't bring her.. but I can't bear the thought of leaving her home. I can relate to what you said about being an introvert, it's a little easier when surrounded by animals, but still tough!
Thursday 15th of September 2016
I don't think I met you either Lindsay. Are you going to the 2017 one? If so we definitely need to meet there. I'm driving (it's just a 6 hour drive for me) so I may bring my chi. I haven't decided yet. She's old and has some health issues so I don't want it to be too much for her.
Wednesday 29th of June 2016
I think we got a chance to briefly chat at one of the charging stations over breakfast one day! I'm so happy you did the link up so I could find your blog :) It was my first conference, too, and I had no idea what to expect. I had a really great time and am already looking forward to next year!
Wednesday 29th of June 2016
Yes, I remember meeting you Kait! I'm glad you had a great experience there.