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 I Love My Chihuahua Club Official Site

You’re In!

 Welcome to the Chihuahua Club!

Here’s what you can expect from I Love My Chi:

Each week I will send you our weekly newsletter. In our newsletter you will find adorable chi photos, tips, facts and more. I will also include links to our newest blog post so you will not have to worry about missing a thing.

Every once and a while I will also send you emails about any new events, opportunities or freebies that I think you may just love.


What should you do next?

First, make sure you are getting my emails. This is important! If my emails aren’t getting to you you will miss out on all the great information I have to share. Take just a few minutes to whitelist all emails from “I Love My Chi” and


. If my emails are going to spam, simply drag them to your inbox or mark them “priority”.

Next, be sure to download your printable Pet Care Planner. This planner will help you keep organized with all your pet info in one place.

This is a PDF so just click the link and when it opens, click print:

Pet Care Planner

Enjoy and feel free to email me at


if you have any questions, concerns or if you want to enter your chi for the Chi of the Day on Facebook (I need a clear photo of your pup along with their name).



Fiona Jacobsen

Friday 30th of October 2020

Hello this Fiona Jacobsen


Friday 30th of October 2020

Hi Fiona.

Fiona Jacobsen

Friday 30th of October 2020


Gail Secor

Monday 26th of October 2020

For some reason, I'm not getting posts. Also tried twice to post a pic. I've been a member for a while. What's going on?


Monday 26th of October 2020

Do you mean you aren't getting the newsletters? I just looked you up on my list and it looks like you just joined so look for the newsletter on Friday. As for the photo, you can put it on this site anymore. The plugin I was using that allowed it no longer works and I haven't found a good replacement for it yet. You can always email me your photo at and I can put your chi on our list to be chi of the week in an upcoming newsletter (just tell me your chi's name and add anything else you'd like to say about your pup). If you'd rather have your photo on the Facebook page instead, just let me know in the newsletter.

Roberta Marin

Friday 23rd of October 2020

Prior to owning chi's I had always had large breed dogs, almost always they were German Shepherds. Now don't get me wrong I still love that breed as much as I always have but when I became the momma to my first 3 chi's I couldn't believe how smart, loving, caring, and funny they were. Unfortunately I now only have just the one Chi left, his name is Peanut, he is such a part of my ❤️ now that I can't imagine life without him. He has been by my side now for approximately 7-8 years. He is the love of my life!!!! In addition, thank you for the invite to join your club. I'm looking forward to being a part of it, as is Peanut!!!!


Friday 23rd of October 2020

Thanks for joining us Roberta!

Michael Kopsky

Thursday 22nd of October 2020

Chihuahua are cute.😀