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Wonderful Little Chi Thrown Away Because He Is Blind

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This sweet little guy was told he wasn’t worth the $20 it would take to save him because he was blind. Watch what happens…

Phyllis Black

Friday 26th of July 2024

"Broken" so called dogs sometimes turn out to be the best little pal. My Chi I rescued in July 2019 just 2 weeks before my husband went into the nursing home to die in Hospice. When I got him they told me he had a back hip difformity. You couldn't touch his back end or legs without him screaming. The vet took xrays and said he had a broken hip ball joint and half of it was missing. He said the dog must have been abused to have that happen. They had to do surgery on him and take the rest of the ball joint off. He walks good, but he lifts that back leg when running with his brother and sister. My dogs sleep with me and the first night I had my Chi, "Bam Bam," He came back out of the covers, stood on my chest and licked my nose and face! It was as if he was saying thank you for rescuing me and loving me. He has done that every night since then, 5 years now. He has really been a comfort to me as my husband died in 2021. I know Abba Father in heaven sent him to me to comfort me and I him.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 26th of July 2024

That's a sweet story and I'm so glad your little BamBam got his happy ending and is safe and happy with you.


Friday 26th of July 2024

That was so sad but a happy ending .Thank you to the lady who rescued Jake.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 26th of July 2024

Yep, I'm glad his story had a happy ending.

Patricia Kidd

Sunday 13th of October 2019

I have a Papillon/Chihuahua.....I was at a friends house when this lady came by trying to get rid of a puppy she said her son found. She said they couldn't keep it & was taking it to the pound. I took her home with me.....took her to the vets office and found out that someone had been dropping hot oil on her back. The vet said she was barely 3 months old. We got her all healed up & took her home. I already had a Libertine Poodle who was 5. She took to Lady the minute we brought her home. It took Lady six months before she would let anyone touch her...she was so afraid of people. Now Lady & Sneakers rule the house. They are the two most loving & protective dogs I have ever owned. My poodle Sneakers was a rescue also......she was 4 weeks old when I got her form my daughters neighbor, her momma had died so I took her . Would not trade my girls for all the money in the world!!


Sunday 13th of October 2019

I'm glad there's a happy ending for Lady! I think evil people who do things like that to animals should have the same thing done to them!

Joyce martin

Tuesday 2nd of February 2016

We had a poodle that was born with no eyes. People told us we should put her Sleep. We had her 10 years. She had minor problems getting around but Managed just fine. My vet told me to tell them if they were born blind would they want to be put to sleep.


Tuesday 2nd of February 2016

Exactly Joyce! As long as they aren't in pain and suffering, they deserve a chance to have a full life.


Wednesday 18th of March 2015

When I was younger around 13, we had a male mixed breed, Teddy. He was a darling dog, extremely good natured not a mean bone in his body. One day he escaped from our fenced yard. He wound up in the pound, and the people there told us that a bunch of kids had him and tied a plastic rope around his neck very tightly and was hitting him over the head with some clubs. Their excuse was he was viscous! Really now? My question was, if he was so viscous how did they manage to get the plastic rope around his neck. You might have thought he would have attacked his assailants right? Let alone get the chance to club him in his beautiful head! Long story short, shortly after this incident our kind, courageous and beautiful Tedy went blind from the head trauma! And, he got around the house and yard just fine! Anyone watching him didn't believe he was blind. He lived out the rest of his life just fine and was well loved throughout! I don't understand people who think animals are simply throw-a-ways because they are not perfect. Grrrrrrr!


Thursday 19th of March 2015

Poor Teddy being tortured like that! How can anyone be so cruel, I'll never understand.

My old dog Joey was blind the last few years of his life and he did just fine too.