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Janel’s Chi Story of Lulu

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Lulu the Chihuahua

We got our Lulu when she was barely 6 wks. old and lost her a few weeks ago at the age of 16.

My daughter was in high school and asked if she could get a puppy. At first we said no but once we saw her and the horrible conditions she was in we couldn’t leave her there.
Lulu was so small she fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. We had to feed her water with a dropper cause when she tried to drink she would tip over face first into the bowl. ( Which was actually a littke funny, but to scared she might drown we never let that happen again).
She was the first of the breed we had ever had, and I feel IN LOVE IMMEDIATELY. She would only play catch with the oranges we grew in our yard. We had to be very tricky changing them out because she wanted to keep the same one till it was dried out and yucky.
My daughter took very good care of her when she was home. She was carried in blankets and slept with Angela at night and with us when she wasn’t home.
When my daughter joined the Air Force we naturally took custody, lol. Lulu has gone to Alaska, New Mexico, Arkansas, Tennessee,  etc. and became a service animal for me.
Lulu the Chihuahua
As I write this I am absolutely heart broken and miss her more than I could ever imagine. We lost her from an illness not even our vet has been able to explain to us. These babies are miracle workers. They teach unconditional love. Thanks for giving me a place to express my grief.
Janel Cohoon Kelley
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you’d like to share the story of your chi with the rest of our community, email me at


with your story and at least one clear photo of your chi.

June Sasser

Monday 5th of November 2018

Losing our furbabies is difficult. I saw the attached right after reading your story again.


Monday 5th of November 2018

That's beautiful June.


Friday 16th of February 2018

So sorry about losing your angel. We recently lost our Mela this past November. We miss her daily and still cry for her. Sometimes I ache for her. My husband said this is the hardest death he has gone through. She had a brain disease which started 4 years ago. She was so strong and we always made sure she wasn’t in any pain. We have two other chi chis that miss her. God bless.


Saturday 14th of October 2017

Janel - I am sorry for your loss. I know our furbabies are part of the family. I lost my first chi a little over a year ago and still miss him terribly; he was 15 and had heart problems for several years. I will always cherish the years I had with him, as I know you will cherish your memories with Lulu.

Pat king

Thursday 5th of October 2017

I lost my beautiful sweet 16 year old I have cried buckets and miss her very much. Her name is Angel and she has left a hole in my heart. She was also black with only a small white blaze on her chest. The illness that claimed her life was renal failure.

Believe me I understand your pain. May time ease your pain and I know you will always carry her in your heart.


Thursday 5th of October 2017

I'm so sorry Pat :( I know how hard it is to lose our precious babies.