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How to Find a Chihuahua Rescue

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Perhaps you have decided to finally get a Chihuahua. Or unfortunately, circumstances have occurred that require you to find a new family for your pet. You need to find a Chihuahua rescue. But where do you start?

Closeup of a black chihuahua's face with text that says how to find a chihuahua rescue.

How to Rescue a Chihuahua

If you want to adopt locally, begin with an internet search for “dog rescue” or “Chihuahua rescue near me“, or visit your local animal shelter.

Browse through locally available dogs, as there may be a Chihuahua waiting for you just a few miles from your home. PetFinder can help you locate Chihuahuas who are waiting for their furever homes by distance from your zip code. 

If you do not mind traveling to rescue a Chihuahua, you could widen your search beyond your local area.

National Mill Dog Rescue specializes in rescuing dogs who were part of a puppy mill operation.

As Chihuahuas are a popular breed in the puppy mill industry, they have many rescued chihuahuas needing adoption who are very deserving of a loving home.

Closeup of chihuahua being carried in a woman's shirt.

Adopting a Chihuahua

There are several things to consider before moving ahead with a Chihuahua adoption. Are you truly ready to take on the responsibility?

All dogs are emotional creatures who bond with their families, but the bond between a Chihuahua and its owner is one of the strongest.

To protect your potential Chihuahua and yourself from the heartbreak of re-homing, consider the following before meeting the Chihuahua you are considering adopting:

  • Can you afford the Chihuahua? Dogs can be expensive: veterinary care, medicine, food, toys, grooming, etc, can really add up.
  • Can you afford an emergency veterinary visit? Do you have $1,000 or more in savings for emergency surgery? Chihuahuas can be little gluttons, and they may eat something they are not supposed to. Their little legs can be fragile, and they may break a leg.
  • Could you afford your Chihuahua to have an expensive medical condition? If you are considering a special needs Chihuahua, be sure to do research on their conditions to see if you can afford to care for them properly. If you are interested in adopting a healthy dog, consider if you could afford a medical condition if they developed one.
  • Do you have enough time for a Chihuahua? Do you enjoy attending parties after work and traveling? Could you take your Chihuahua with you to work and/or the places you usually go? These small dogs will get lonely if they are alone for too long.
  • How long are you gone every day? Are you able to take them for potty breaks mid-day, or if you can’t, can you afford a dog walker?
  • Chihuahuas can live to be 20 years old or older! Are you ready to care of a Chihuahua for 20 years? Through life transitions, through being in plenty and being in want?
Girl holding fawn chihuahua.

Re-Homing or Surrendering your Chihuahua

Personally Re-homing

Consider that there are many Chihuahuas in need of homes, and some of their situations are urgent. If you can, re-home your Chihuahua without surrendering them to a rescue, as there are other Chihuahuas who may need the rescue’s help more.

Begin by considering anyone you know personally who has always been partial to your Chihuahua. If you could trust them to take good care of your dog, ask if they would be interested in adopting your Chihuahua.

PetFinder can also help you find a rescue to re-home your Chihuahua.

Re-homing to a third party

If you will be trying to have your Chihuahua adopted by a third party that you do not know, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Always ask for a re-homing fee, because if someone is unwilling to pay it, they are likely not willing to fully commit to caring for your Chihuahua.
  • Never hand your Chihuahua to a stranger blindly. Always ask to do a home inspection and see where they will be living. If the potential adopter refuses, this is a red flag.
  • Always ask what veterinarian they plan to use to care for your rescue Chihuahua. If they can answer quickly, they have put thought into caring for the dog properly.
  • NEVER EVER USE CRAIGSLIST. Most dogs re-homed on Craiglist are abused, used as bait dogs, or sold to labs.
  • NEVER EVER ADVERTISE YOUR CHIHUAHUA AS FREE TO GOOD HOME. Dog fighters or owners of large carnivorous animals will be waiting to take your free dog to train their fighting dogs or feed their carnivorous pets. I would make the rehoming fee at about $100 if it were me to avoid evil people who are looking for bait dogs to train their fighting dogs. And don’t be deceived by the person who says they want your dog. These people often get their wives, girlfriends, and sometimes even their mothers to do the “adopting” as you are more likely to trust a woman. You could donate the fee to a local dog rescue if you are uncomfortable keeping it.

Surrendering to a rescue

If you were unable to re-home your Chihuahua yourself, begin looking for a rescue to surrender them to using a basic online search for a dog rescue. 

Start with these Chihuahua Rescues listed according to state.

Of course do a Google search too, as you may find something in your area that’s not on our list.

When considering if you will be surrendering your Chihuahua to a rescue, keep the following in mind:

  • Ask to see where your Chihuahua will be living while they wait for their new home.
  • Always ask how their general care, nutrition, grooming, and health care will be handled.
  • Ask about the adoption process; if it is strict, your Chihuahua is more likely to be adopted by a responsible person who truly wants them.

Animal Shelters

This should be a last resort. 

The environment of living in a kennel atmosphere is very difficult for Chis, as they are very social and bonded to people.

Fawn chihuahua behind white bars.

The stress of living in that environment can shut down their personalities, or the fear of it can make them snappy, making it more difficult for potential adopters to see why they are amazing.

A private rescue where they would live in a foster home as they wait to find their forever home is best for their mental and emotional needs.

Chihuahua Rescue Takes Commitment

Adopting a Chihuahua can be one of the best decisions you make! However, you must make sure that you are ready to take on the responsibility of ownership before committing to adopt.

Try not to become emotionally invested before making sure that you can give your Chihuahua a forever home. Re-homing a Chihuahua can be a very difficult experience.

The kindest thing you can do for your rescue Chihuahua is to help them through this transition emotionally and to do everything you can to make sure their next home is their forever home.

Cathy signature with cartoon chihuahua
blond woman holding white chihuahua

Cathy Bendzunas

Pet Blogger

I have had dogs all my life. I have been a pet groomer, worked in a pet hotel, and a kennel, and have bred and showed dogs.

Connie Edge

Monday 5th of August 2024

I lost my husband 5 years ago. The my niece gave me a little long hair chihuahua brown and white. She had been my companion for 5 years and I loved her so much. I had a boy cut my grass and he left the gate unlashed and she got out and got hit by a car. I have been in depression ever since. I wou;d like to find one like her. She looked like the one you have in your grooming picture. I am a widower on social security so Ican't pay a lot.. I don't need a puppy to be a pedigree. I just need someone to live. I can assure you she or he will be greatly ta my email ken care of. I live in Tennessee near the Georgia line so if you know of any puppy like her in either state I would appreciate getting information. Thank you so much My email is

Cathy Bendzunas

Monday 5th of August 2024

I'm sorry Connie, I don't know of any. Have you looked on ? I just looked on there and did see some in TN listed so check it out.

Twinkle's Mom

Friday 26th of July 2024

When I was a child, my Dad was in the military, I had to give up several dogs every time we moved. In my adult years, I have had my dogs from puppyhood until they went to the Rainbow Bridge. It would just kill me to have to give up and rehome one of my dogs. I understand there are circumstances that happen in life, however, please folks take the time and find a good, loving, caring home for your beloved pooch. They won't understand why you left them, but it will be much easier on their little hearts to have someone to love and care for them. It will also alleviate that guilt feeling you might have.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 26th of July 2024

I totally agree.

Mary Johnson

Saturday 15th of June 2024

In the past 6 months i have lost 2 senior dogs I miss my dogs

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 15th of June 2024

I'm so sorry Mary! That has to be hard to deal with.

Charlotte Haight

Sunday 28th of April 2024

I'm want to find a chihuahua. I had one before but, had to put him down. I am ready for another one

Cathy Bendzunas

Sunday 28th of April 2024

Good luck Charlotte! Hope you find the perfect dog for you.

Luz V. Cala

Friday 26th of January 2024

To whom it may concern:

The purpose of this email is to reaching out to your organization to find out if you have an Adoption Fee Waiver Program for Seniors. Or if you know who I can contact regarding same. Whatever information you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Some information about myself; In 2021, I loss my companion Chihuahua, Kissy of 10 years. Then in 2022, I loss my Calico cat also my companion of 20 years. I cannot put in to words how difficult their loss was. Especially, losing both of them so close together. They were the best of friends and my emotional support.

For your information, I live in senior housing and would welcome providing a small dog (preferably a female), between the ages of one to five years, a loving home.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you kindly.

Luz V. Perez-Cala 141 N. Chestnut Avenue Unit 333 Green Bay, WI 54303 or Cellphone: (920)857-8809

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 27th of January 2024

Sorry Luz, I just write about chihuahuas. I don't have anything to do with selling them or adopting them out or anything.