As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Seizures in dogs are definitely one of the scariest things a pet parent may have to go through. As canine companions go, Chihuahuas are fantastic! They have sassy, super-size personalities packed into pint-size bodies – it’s easy to see why this breed is popular with dog lovers everywhere, …
Chihuahua Health
For ages, dogs have worked alongside humans as a trusty companion for farming, hunting and even herding sheeps. However, these days, dogs as pets, hardly need to work and that leaves with a lot of time to spare. It is quintessential to stimulate your pets mentally in order to help relieve their boredom. If you …
I remember when I was volunteering at our shelter. It seemed like everyone always wanted puppies. My heart would break for the older dogs there who were often overlooked. Sometimes they had ended there only because they were getting old, and their families wanted a younger dog to play with the kids. It was heartbreaking. …
Hearing that their beloved friend is suffering from cancer is one of the worst nightmares that each dog owner fears. The first reaction is shock, quickly followed by despair and a feeling of helplessness. The fact that cancer is usually associated with humans makes this realisation even harder to accept. Still, we need to get …
It seems like whenever it’s time to bathe your dog, they act like it’s the end of the world. On one hand, it’s adorable just how much they hate the very thought of hygiene, but on the other, it would be nice to just get through the process without dramatic barking at least once. Whenever …