Several of my dogs like carrots so I decided to try my hand at making carrot dog biscuits. It turns out that even the 2 that don’t care for carrots, like these biscuits. And carrots are one of the good veggies dogs can eat! Since it’s dog approved, I decided to share it with you! …
Chihuahua Health
It can be hard to find a new vet, especially if you’ve just moved and aren’t familiar with the neighborhood. Even if you have a list of all the clinics in your area, how can you tell if this is a vet you can trust—equipped with not just experience but the right tools, reliable customer …
I got my Ziggy at 3 months old and when I had the vet check him out, they told me he had hip dysplasia. He said it was fine now but as he aged it may become a problem. My elderly large dog Roxy had this too so I do have some knowledge about it. …
I am a big fan of having fresh human-grade dog food delivered to my home for my dogs. In fact, we have tried about 4 brands so far in the past 3 years and for the most part, my dogs loved them all. My goal is to try every brand out there and then write …
Nail grinders, also known as dremels, help make pet’s nails smoother and shorter than traditional nail clippers. They are quickly replacing traditional nail clippers in pet owner’s grooming kits across America. However, choosing the right one can be overwhelming; the market is saturated. If you are wondering why you should use a nail grinder and …