Would it surprise you to learn that Chihuahuas can get sunburn too? Even though Chihuahuas have a predisposition to warmer weather since the breed originated south of the border in Mexico, sun protection is important for these little descendants of Aztec warriors too. This article will help you prepare for safe fun in warmer weather …
Chihuahua Health
I wanted to write this Ollie dog food review because I’ve been getting a few questions about it and as we have personal experience with it, I figured I could give an honest review of it. I’m always on the lookout for the best dog food for chihuahuas to help my readers and feed my …
When I first heard about fresh dog food subscription services several years ago, I was wanting something other than just kibble to feed my dogs. I have been leery about just how much nutrition and how safe is commercial kibble dog food. I thought about making their food and actually do make it once in …
Treat your pup this St. Patrick’s Day with homemade dog treats! Easy, healthy recipes to keep your dog’s tail wagging.
Since dogs cannot tell us when something is wrong, it is important for dog owners to understand what the symptoms of a food allergy are. This is to allow them to act quickly if veterinary care will be needed. Be sure to check out Food Allergies Affecting Our Chihuahuas too! This article will …