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THE YAPPING CHIHUAHUA: HELPING THE EXCESSIVE BARKER Small breed dogs, especially Chihuahuas, are well known for their habitsof barking more than their larger brethren. Barking at sounds, people, other dogs, the doorbell, and even when left home alone can become embarrassing, annoying, and uncomfortable for the humans in the household. Neighbors may become upset when …

Read More about Chihuahua Barking

  For some Chihuahua owners, their family is complete with one delightful little dog, but for others, the addition of a brand new four-legged family member has the potential to be a fantastic experience for all. Getting through the actual introduction of new pets can be tricky, though – Chihuahuas are notoriously possessive of their …

Read More about How to Introduce a New Pet to Your Chihuahua