A Socialization Scavenger Hunt Check List To be as effective as possible, it is important to socialize your puppy to as wide a variety of people, places, things and experiences as possible. As such, when you begin socializing your puppy, you may not know where to begin! To help you thoroughly socialize your puppy, read …
Chihuahua Training
Why Socialize Your Puppy? Puppies who are socialized receive practical benefits such as: A socialized dog is more confident. An unsocialized dog is often fearful of new experiences, while a socialized dog has had positive experiences that allow them to enjoy more of life instead of being fearful. A socialized dog is usually less likely …
Most dog owners have an intense love for their dogs, similarly to how one loves their human children. As you snuggle your dog and see their warm brown or cool blue eyes staring up at you, you might feel like he or she loves you too. But how can you know if your dog loves …
Barking is normal behavior for most dogs and chihuahuas are more prone to bark than many other breeds. Barking may be beneficial at certain times, such as to warn you when a stranger enters your property or home. However, when the barking becomes excessive, your dog may frighten people and may even become so excited …
Teaching your dog the command “come”, also known as “recall”, is a crucial and life saving command. However, it is also one of the most challenging commands to teach. This article will help you get started helping your dog master this command. Understand The Goal, Be Realistic The goal of training come is that …