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Georgia’s Chihuahua Story

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My name is Georgia Lott and this is my Chihuahua story.Georgia Lott
Last year when I received my income taxes I decided that I was going to get a puppy. I can’t have children but wanted a little one of my own to take care of so I chose a fur baby.


I looked at lots of puppies online and came across “Kisses”. I spoke to my husband that night to make sure he was fine with me getting her.


The next day I called up the people who had her, put her on reserve and went that weekend to pick her up. I changed her name to Daisy Mae and have been in love ever since.

Georgia Lott1


Daisy has brought so much joy to me and my husband. She is our “baby” and I take her to almost all family functions we participate in.


Living with Daisy is a bit like living with a toddler. She is into everything,spunky, bossy, moody and loves to play with our cat Gracie. They roughhouse all day, chasing each other back and forth but neither one ever hurts the other.


I was strictly a cat person before I met Daisy and now I’m a Chihuahua Momma. She is attached to both my husband and myself. She cries if he goes outside without her and is always waiting by the door when I come home from work.


We went on a mini vacation in November but couldn’t take her with us. Although she was being watched by family and was safe I missed her the whole time we were gone. If I go on vacation again it will be planned around her being with us. I love her to the moon and back.
Georgia Lott2
The pic with the red collar is the day I adopted her up. The pic with her in a dress is Easter 2013 and then her Santa coat was Christmas 2013.


NOTE FROM CATHY: Thanks Georgia for your story! Daisy Mae is adorable! Remember, if you would like to share your story about your Chihuahua, email me at


and put “Chihuahua Story” in the headline. Include any photos you would like  in your story.

Judy Summers

Wednesday 7th of June 2017

I know the feeling! We lost our last fur baby in December of 2006! We moved in 2011 back to our home state California! I was just thinking about getting another pet and really missing not having a fur baby around the house! While we were in San Diego for the weekend we ran into a man with a beautiful fawn chihuahua in his arms! I admired her and he asked me if I wanted to hold her! I did and fell in love! He asked if I wanted her! I said yes and my husband agreed! That was almost six years ago and We love her more every day!?So happy for you and Daisy! Our girl's name is Bella!?


Wednesday 7th of June 2017

That's a great story Judy.

sherri Conner

Saturday 8th of March 2014

Your story touched my heart.Daisey Mae is a lucky little Chi to be loved so much. I wish you many years of happyness.I have 2 Chi 's Tia and Max there my life.

Sandra Spears

Monday 17th of February 2014

Daisy is so adorable!! Wishing all of you many, many more years of happiness, love & joy <3 Love, Paco & Buddy and mom lol