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James’ Chihuahua Story

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Vader the Chihuahua
My name is James Morris. This is the story of Vader, my bestest friend in the whole universe (besides my wife).

I was coming home from being out with my family when I got the call. My sister for months had been trying to help me find a Chi so I would quit making up excuses to babysit hers.

On the other end of the phone she was very distraught. “Well you have a choice, either you get a puppy or you get a very abused rescue.” With no hesitation I blurted out “RESCUE!!!”

About an hour later my sister showed up to my home and honked for me in the driveway.

I was very scared in meeting him for the first time. When I opened the car door there he was sitting on my sisters lap wrapped in blankets.

I got a little anxious and tried to touch him, he didn’t like it so he snapped at me. He didn’t like males at all. Well, my sister brought him to my porch and set him down. I sat about 3 feet from him so I didn’t startle him again.

After about 2 hours of inching closer to him and presenting him with treats and a new collar, he finally came to me and kissed my face.

I will admit I am not a dog person but, he needed me as much as I wanted him. The people we got Vader from told us some horror stories. The previous owners were cruel and relentless.

He at one point had all of his legs broken and now walks with a limp because one of his legs didn’t heal correct. They kept him locked up and quite frequently starved him, he didn’t even have a name until I got him.

James and Vader the Chi

I have had him just over a year and now he is the sweetest thing you could ever meet. He loves to play with his stuffed Darth Vader (his namesake), taking naps with dad, getting new shirts or sweaters from grandma, sitting on dads lap while he is on his computer, loves his chicken strips treats and absolutely will lose his mind if he doesn’t go on a car ride to get our daughter from school.

James and Vader the Chihuahua

I am glad that ornery little boy we got a year ago is happy and healthy.


EDITOR’S NOTE: We are glad too that you and Vader found each other James. I wish more people would take the time with these poor abused dogs to help them have the life they deserve!


Tuesday 12th of April 2016

James......kindred spirits are we. I, too, have the Chi-whisperer gene. My first, Mouse, came to me from a broken family dealing with domestic abuse. He was scared, shy and timid. My stepdad had just passed away two days before I got him and he was in my arms or at my side through the whole thing. Several months later I got him a companion, a puppy named Pearl. Shortly after that I was informed of a female in need of a home ASAP. She was neglected, emotionally and verbally abused. I drove 3.5 hrs, one way, to get her. A more frightened little dog I'd never encountered before, she came with a sweater & a collar, that's it. She had no toys, no blankie...nuthin'. I named her Stella. It took Stella a good 6 months to completely trust and to come out of her shell. While she's still a very emotional, deeply concerned, little gal that is absolutely amazing and full of love. Last summer I was told about anabandoned. Her mom was a drug addict and just left her behind at a friends' place. She was petrified of big dogs, traumatized at having been left with a stranger who didn't want her. Her transformation has been amazing, what a funny, loving, intuitive gal she's turned out to be!! Recently, I was asked if I'd take in a sad little boy. He was a used as a stud in an Amish Puppy Mill, lived in a 2' x 2' cage for two or more years. He never went outside, never felt grass under his paws...was never shown love. The people who "rescued" him had a couple of big dogs, he was petrified of them. He was out of the Mill only to find himself in another kind of jail. I brought him home, named him Woody, put a new t-shirt on him and sat with him on my lap the entire first night. My other dogs seemed to understand and welcomed him with open paws! He and Mouse have become best buddies, he's the most loving lil' fella now. Mouse opened a new door in my heart and now I am proud to be "that crazy chihuahua guy"!!

Angela Belanger

Wednesday 28th of February 2018

Great story. Keep rescuing those babies.


Tuesday 12th of April 2016

Jymmer, this would make a great Chi Story on here. If you's like for me to post it, add a photo(s) of your pups here or email them to me at

linda lulu

Thursday 11th of February 2016



Saturday 17th of October 2015

James & Vader and Family God Bless You All! May you have many happy times together. I'm so glad Vader found a loving home.


Sunday 8th of March 2015

I am so happy you found each other! Looks like this baby will never have to be afraid again. Bless you both!!!


Saturday 7th of March 2015

Hi James! Since being a pet lover all my adult life I have learned that our pets are like children in a lot of ways. Our pets are like a very dry sponge that holds onto all they have been exposed to. Unfortunately Vader was exposed to a lot of pain & unhappiness by mean & bitter "people". You were chosen to give Vader a loving & giving life.God bless you & Vader!

James Morris

Sunday 8th of March 2015

Thank you so much, for as long as I can remember I have loved and respected animals. I never knew I would ever fall in love with chihuahuas, most especially mine that I own. In the recent months since I sent this in to be put up, I have been rehabilitating other chi's because I was told how well I did with Vader. I don't know why but I love these dogs. I just got a new chi less than a month ago because I couldn't let her go to a new home. I love my dogs, sometimes more than my human family... Don't tell anyone.