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Just wanted to send you a great big “THANK YOU” for taking your time to create your website and create an I love my Chihuahua newsletter!
Poppy Rose is the first dog I have ever owned. ( I got her when I was 45!)
It’s a long story but my husband and I have been married for 20 years and he has always had German Shorthair Pointers. They are big, full of energy and hunting dogs, so I never really had much to do with them and the fact that he did not really want me to get a dog because he always had 2 and didn’t want to get a 3rd for whatever reason.
Well a couple of years ago I was driving with my daughter and we saw a small dog out on the corner and it was pouring down rain and she was just out there on a corner all alone. I would have driven by but my daughter insisted that we take her home and try to find her owner. So I turned around and we took her home and began the process of trying to find her parent.

I had her for 4 days until her parent was found, and during that time I believe that my husband saw how happy it made me to be around this little girl! I walked her, brushed her, snuggled with her…I would have kept her!
My husband started sending me pics of rescues, but I had my heart set on a Yorkie because they are non-shedding, and the fact I wanted to put bows in her hair. When he showed me a pic of Poppy, I shook my head and showed no interest.
The day after he showed me her pic, he said he had to get fish food at Pet Smart, and I actually didn’t think anything of it as I had no idea that Poppy was actually up for adoption at Pet Smart.
We walked toward the back of the store and he said, let’s go look at the dogs. We walked in and they were all barking and it was crazy! I made my way to the back and I saw this little white face just sitting in her kennel with her front legs crossed and her nails were painted pink! And…I loved the fact that she wasn’t barking even though all the other dogs were going crazy. It’s crazy but her kennel was the only one that did not have a lock on it so I took her out and she immediately started following me around. I played with her a little bit and after a few minutes I went to put her back in her kennel and said to my husband, “But she SHEDS.”
After I closed her kennel, she went up and pawed at the latch! Well….that was it, I was in love! (Now I just keep lint rollers in every room in the house!)
I have had her exactly 2 years as of October 18th and she is the BEST dog I could have ever asked for! She is so sweet, hardly barks, goes with me everywhere. I carried her in a side sling around Las Vegas for 6 days in a row and she never complained! She goes kayaking with me, and has just brought me such joy!

I am SO excited to have found you and your newsletter which allows me to connect with so many other Chi lovers! (I had no idea I was actually one until 2 years ago!).
Thank you again for all you do and thank you for taking the time to read my long story!
Julie Colleran
June Sasser
Thursday 13th of December 2018
Julie - I am thrilled to hear how happy you are with your Poppy! I didn't think I'd like chihuahuas until my daughter got her first one about 18 years ago. I fell in love with the breed because of Sassy Girl and have had 3 of my own since; I still have two of them. Sadly, one crossed the Rainbow Bridge 2 1/2 years ago. All 3 of my chis have had their stories posted here - Keltie, Kissy Girl, and Duchess. My daughter's chi sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge 3 years ago. She also has a Yorkie and I have to say - they DO shed, and they also require more grooming than chis do. But we love him too!
Aundrea Clark
Saturday 14th of November 2015
Love this story. Sometimes the best pets are the ones you don't expect.
Saturday 14th of November 2015
Thats really a nice story you shared..... My husband has a german short haired pointer too and he is now 15 kinda retired from hunting but he still let him go with him and i have my babies too 2 chi and 1 winnie.... They are the joy of my life ...... I wont trade them for shoes and purses( well .... Let me rethink that???) i wont...... Again you and you chi rock!!!!!!
Diane Riley
Sunday 8th of November 2015
I loved this story.... I have always wanted a chi too. My Daughter came to live with me and when she moved out ,I couldn't bear her taking Peanut with her so she left her with me... she is my every thing my life infact, so I love this site also look at it every day thank you also
Julie Colleran
Wednesday 11th of November 2015
Hi Diane, I am just amazed at how much joy my fur baby has brought to my life! I just had no idea.... I think that it is awesome that Cathy has brought us all together!!! I LOVE looking at everyones Chi's and hearing what joy they have brought to our lives!
Sunday 8th of November 2015
Glad you got to keep Peanut Diane.
Shirley Gunstrom
Saturday 7th of November 2015
Enjoyed your story. These little Chi's steal your heart. I have my first one and I'm sure it won't be my last. Have had Yorkies and Maltese before and love those breeds also. But the Chi is as brave as the Yorkie and as sweet as the Maltese. Yes he sheds but I don't have to spend very much time brushing and he doesn't have to go to the groomers. I and my pocketbook enjoy that. Hope you have many years to enjoy your puppy. Your husband is a good guy also to recognize how much you needed a little love bug. Kudos to him.
Julie Colleran
Wednesday 11th of November 2015
Hi Shirley! Thank you for your repsonse! I had no idea that Cathy was going to share my story, but I am SO glad she did! Her website has meant the world to me! I read the comment you made about my husband to him and what a great guy he is! (He said to tell you that he agrees!) He puts up with alot with my dragging Poppy everywhere we go. Funny that he has learned to love her, well almost, as much as I do!