The other day I was chatting with a lady in the doctor’s office waiting room. When she asked me what I did, I told her about my web design business and my chihuahua blog.

Then she asked me such a such a silly question that for a minute, I couldn’t even respond. I’ll tell you which her question is hers later in this post.
Thinking about the conversation later, I wondered what other stupid or silly questions people have asked about chihuahuas and decided to do a little research.
Check out our main post that showcases all our chihuahua fact articles!
Below are a list of 9 silly questions asked about chihuahuas. Check and see if you have heard any of these.
Are Chihuahuas Rats?

This is such an insult to our fur babies but the truth is, rats have been sold to people and the buyer thought they were buying a chihuahua puppy.
Can you believe that? I mean just look at the photo above of the chihuahua and the rat. Do they look like they could be the same animal? NO!
In the 1800’s many people believed rats were cross bred with dogs to make chihuahuas. Geez!
Which Beverly Hills Chihuahua Character Are You?
I think this question came from one of those Facebook quizes you see. I seem to remember seeing it before.
I can’t imagine why anyone else would ask this question, can you?
By the way which Beverly Hills Chihuahua are you anyway?
Did a Chihuahua Eat His Owner?
This is the question the lady I talked to asked me. She said she would never own a chihuahua because she heard about one that ate their dead owner.
This has been asked by others too. In researching this, it did happen in 2017.
A chi named Rumpelstiltskin ate his owner who had been dead for several weeks. I don’t blame the little guy. He was just trying to survive.
You can read the whole story here.
Who Is The Chihuahua in Paw Patrol?

I actually know this one since I have a 3-year-old grandson who loves Paw Patrol.
In case you are wondering what the heck is Paw Patrol, it’s a children’s cartoon on the Nickelodeon channel that’s geared towards toddlers and pre-schoolers.
Tracker is the name of the chihuahua on Paw Patrol and he is one of the crew of dogs on the show.
Can A Chihuahua Cure Asthma?
This question comes from an old wive’s tale in Victorian times that chihuahuas could cure asthma and other lung problems.
Not true of course. If it were I’d be cured of it because my chis love to sleep on top of me and I have asthma.
Will A Chihuahua Freeze To Death?

Well duh! Of course, they will if you leave them outside in the cold. And they will freeze faster than other dog breeds because they are so sensitive to the cold.
Have Chihuahuas Been Used in Wartime?

I can’t imagine why anyone would wonder about this but it’s been asked by searchers on Google.
I couldn’t find any instances of chihuahuas being used in war.
Are Chihuahuas Real Dogs?
Hey just because they are tiny, that doesn’t mean they aren’t real dogs! Right? This is insulting to our little guys.
Why Are Chihuahuas So Dumb?

This one pisses me off. Chihuahuas are not dumb! Although any breed has a few, let’s just say less intelligent dogs.
I think people may be mistaking stubbornness for stupidity. Chihuahuas can certainly be stubborn. They definitely have a mind of their own.
Carla one of my newsletter subscribers told me that a guy asked her if her Chi was a squirrel. She said she ran with it and said yes, it was a highly trained squirrel. Too funny!
So what do you think about these questions? Has anyone ever asked you a silly or stupid question about chihuahuas? I’d love to hear it so let us know in the comments!

Cathy Bendzunas
Pet Blogger
Tracy Finch
Monday 25th of November 2024
I find these questions are often times so ridiculous and obviously people who do not know or understand the chihuahua breed. I think the saddest thing a former and very materialistic co-worker said to me one time was ‘ I would never own a chihuahua…..yuck….with their ugly bug eyes’. What? 😳 for heavens sakes!!! Little did she know during this conversation that I was considering the breed. You should have seen her face when I showed her a picture of my 1st chihuahua puppy Riley….but I have heard many comment the same thing. Sad for them that they will never experience the sweet and loyal and very smart Chihuahua breed. I say to them ‘your loss’! The breed can be very stubborn but so are many other small breeds. But with love and patience…any breed wants to please.
Faye Brentnell
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
None of these, but I've been asked if mine are mean, or had people tell me chihuahuas are mean. Not any of mine!
Thursday 27th of October 2022
None of mine have ever been mean either.
Sunday 28th of August 2022
Cathy, I pray that you will prevail over your medical problems. I have followed your blog since adopting a chihuahua terrier mix Sissy on 7/5/2018. Mary Peabody
Sunday 28th of August 2022
Thank you Mary! Prayers are appreciated.
Julie Cameron
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
A large boofy bikie once called my chi a rat, I was not impressed, so I said back to him, what are you, a keg on wheels? That shut him up.
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
LOL, love that!
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
Some one said to me 'What did you cross your dog with to get that? It was the 'that' which annoyed me most. My gorgeous long haired red boy, Frodo, weighs a very health 3.5 pounds; would take on a Great Dane and is a the life and soul of our house. A DOG in every way. Lee Kent
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
I think I would have answered with something crazy like his mom was a chihuahua, his dad was a Tazmanian devil.