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long hair white chihuahua and woman sitting in front of Christmas tree

Hi, I’m Cathy Bendzunas, and probably like you, I love Chihuahuas! Kilo (pictured with me below) was my first Chi but I have been a lifelong dog owner and lover.

Cathy and Kilo

Kilo passed away in June 2017 and at the end of July, I adopted Lucas, a 2-year-old Chihuahua-Yorkie mix. He is one of 4 dogs that live with me along with 5 Sugar Gliders and an Asian Fire-Belly frog.

Several years ago I adopted a pretty little 6-pound Lucy. She is the sweetest, calmest little dog I have ever seen and every time I sit down, she is in my lap. The ultimate lap dog.

Lucy the chihuahua

Before I had Kilo, I never knew what special little dogs Chihuahuas were. I have lived and worked with dogs all my life. I would love to have another one…or two…or three.

Although not a Chihuahua, I also have the sweetest little Yorkie you could ever meet, named Ziggy.

Yorkshire Terrier

I also got a second Yorkie, an all-black puppy named Bear.

black yorkshire terrier puppy

I have been a dog groomer, worked in a Pet Hotel at  PetSmart, and worked in a kennel. I used to breed and show Yorkshire Terriers many years ago.

One of my rescues was a therapy dog for several nursing homes and a local disabled children’s home. I currently do some pet sitting though I have scaled back my client list as I have gotten older. As you can see I’m a lifelong pet lover!

Anyway, I decided I wanted to start a website, really a community, where others who love the Chihuahua dog breed can share our problems, heartbreaks, and the joys we have with our Chi babies along with providing info that pet parents need.

I’m an experienced dog mom who shares what I know about Chihuahuas and dogs in general. Some of what I share are researched facts; some of it is what I have learned from living and working with dogs all my life, and some is just my opinion or the opinion of other pet parents. Please check with your veterinarian before taking medical advice, introducing a new food, treat or supplement, or to confirm anything else I suggest here to be sure it is a good fit for your dog.

Our Veterinarians

Most of our health-related articles are fact-checked and certified by veterinarians. Meet our vets:

First, we have Dr. Paula Simons an Emergency and Critical Care Resident who aspires to be a veterinary criticalist. She is originally from Pennsylvania but ventured to Canada where she pursued veterinary school and a rotating internship before returning to the United States.

She is passionate about supporting pets and humans during their times of need. She has a special interest in critical care nutrition and trauma. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, volunteering abroad, and spending quality time with her cats Moo and Kal.

woman kneeling in front of a dog outside in snow

Next, we have Sara Ochoa, DVM graduated from St. George’s University Veterinary School in 2015. Since then, she has been at a small and exotic animal practice in Texas. In her free time, she loves making quilts and spending time with her husband Greg and their 4 fur kids. Two dogs, Ruby a Schnoodle, and Bug a Japanese Chin, one cat named OJ, and a leopard tortoise named Monkey.

female vet holding fuzzy dog

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions at ca***@il********.com

Diane Trinidad

Wednesday 17th of July 2024


I'm new to blogging...I have three female Chihuahuas (London, Maddi and Taylor). They are very picky with dog food. I finally figured out a little of what they will eat but I worry that they don't eat enough and I would feel better knowing they're eating healthy. I decided to search ways to cook meals for them. I can use all your advice, Thank you.

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 17th of July 2024

I tend to worry about my 2 picky dogs eating enough too. Thank goodness my other 2 will eat anything. But these little guys don't really need much food. They should have between 200-300 calories for the whole day. Here's a link to my homemade food recip that my picky dogs actually like. I do add vitamins to it and if you are worried your dogs are not getting enough nutrition, you may want to add some vitamins to their food too.

Eleanor Paton

Saturday 1st of June 2024

I love your site and look forward to your weekly blogs. I have had two chihuahuas which both have passed away. I have a granddoggie, dear head chihuahua that I love to the moon and back! When my son moved out Bruiser was eight and he said that I was more upset over Bruiser leaving then 😆 lol did take some adjusting. I have Bruiser five days a week while my son and his wife is working. I rescued a Chiwinne from a bad hoarding situation two and a half years ago and Bruiser and Winnie are the best of friends ❤ I really want to adopt a chihuahua now but I am in my late fifties but active and my world revolves around my doggies just wondering if you think that my age should be a factor in determining whether or not to adopt a young chihuahua? I realize that it's only advice but with your experience I welcome it.

Your follower Eleanor Paton

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 1st of June 2024

You have plenty of years left. I would adopt another dog. I'm 65 and have 4 dogs between the ages of 3 and 9. When I got cancer a few years ago, I did make sure all of my dogs would have homes if I should pass away so it's always a good idea to do that.

Francesca Piantedosi

Saturday 25th of May 2024

Dear Cathy,

I want to try your recipe for my chihuahua, "My homemade Dog Food recipe, which starts with ground beef and ground turkey and ends with four eggs and vitamins. How many vitamins do I put in the meal?

It would be cool if you collected your recipes "for picky dogs across the land"! It will have a lot of us breathing easier.



Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 25th of May 2024

That's not a bad idea Francesca! Depending on which vitamins you buy will determine how much you put in and to tell you the truth I kind of wing it. The jar I buy has a little scoop that you pour the vitamins into the food with. When I'm making a batch of food, I put about 1/2 cup of vitamins in there because I estimated that's about what it works out for each meal's serving. I hope this makes sense.

Julie price

Tuesday 6th of February 2024

Hi I have a 14 month old female chihuahua a was going to get another chihuahua female puppy off the same breeder will they get along and what should I do when the meet

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 7th of February 2024

They will most likely get along though it may take a few weeks. We have an article that should help you get them ready here:

Mickie O’Donnell

Wednesday 13th of December 2023

Hi, I am the proud favorite person of two sibling chihuahuas, now just over 3 yrs old, Rocky and Gigi. I have a couple of questions: 1. Neither of mine will run to pick up a small ball. They won’t put it in their mouth. They only chew on those little squeaky cloth toys that are basically flat. Any suggestions on how to encourage run and fetch? 2. Their schedule includes two long naps each day that they will ask for by going into their crates but they always need the doors shut. Their crates are kept in our walk-in clothes closet. They sleep 12 hours at night in them. I have little tented areas with pillows they could lie in for naps during the day but they prefer going into the closeted crates. Is this something I should be worried about? We have a quiet house. Just two retired seniors and no children.

Thanks for your reply

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 13th of December 2023

1. Sometimes if they see another dog chasing a ball, it makes them want to. 2. No need to worry. They just want to be in their bed. Some dogs can sleep anywhere, and other dogs feel more secure in their own bed (or crate).