Human grade dog food subscription services and homemade dog food subscription services are exploding in popularity. While dogs may not care what they are eating as long as it smells and tastes good, their humans certainly care what their precious pups are being fed. Rather than wonder what half of the ingredients are listed on …
Chihuahua Health
Find the best dog food to combat bad breath. Nutritious, tasty, and oral-friendly options for fresher breath in your furry friend!
Since I often get questions from people who have dogs with stinky breath, I thought I’d share this recipe for fresh breath treats with you. Let me know if you try them and how your dog likes them. The printable version of this recipe is towards the bottom. Fresh Breath Treats Ingredients: 3 cups …
Tear stains are the red, rust, or brown colored streaks that appear on light colored dog’s faces. Let’s discuss what causes tear stains to appear, as well as what remedies and what diets should be considered for dogs with excessive tear staining: What causes tear stains? Tear stains in dogs are caused by a variety …
Owners of Chihuahuas in multiple stages of life may want to simplify the feeding routine by feeding all their dogs one food. Is that possible to do while meeting all of your dog’s nutritional needs? Let’s discuss: Can Adult Dogs Eat Puppy Food? Technically they can, but it does not mean that they should. If …