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Cynthia’s Chi Story

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Chata the Chihuahua

I received Chata at 5 weeks old. She was born in October 15, 2012.

She was very quick to potty train. She has one room inside the home that she uses if need be for potty. (we have the training pads for her). She goes outside potty most of the time.

I love to see her actions when I say you want to go outside and she just runs in circles til we take her out. She also loves to play fetch the ball. When I tell her where is the ball she goes running around the living room til she finds it and brings it to me.

She has made me so happy. I have had a few surgeries since I have had her and she is so awesome she wants to just lay down next to me and she doesn’t even bother me. It’s like she knows when I am not feeling well.

She sleeps next to my bed on the floor in her bed. Around 5:30 each morning she will wake up and cry that she wants up on the bed. So yes we let her. She crawls all the way down to my feet and sleeps there til we get up at 6:45.

Yes my chi is spoiled. We had her neutered in Jan 2014. She recovered quickly from her surgery.

All in all she is  great chi. My mother is 95 and her and Chata love each other also. I have three grandsons and each treat her differently. She loves them. When the school bus comes by the house she starts barking like crazy; she knows they are coming home. 🙂 .

My only problem now is that she doesn’t like small children to come to her. But if she goes to them, its ok. That’s the part I don’t understand. She isn’t afraid of adults.

That’s my chi story
Cynthia Morale