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Funny Chihuahua Names

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To help you find the right name for your next furry family member, below are my top picks for funny Chihuahua names. For more name ideas be sure to check all our posts on chihuahua names.

Naming your dog is an important task no matter what breed of dog you have, however, naming a long lived breed such as a Chihuahua is extra important because you could be saying this name for the next twenty years!

smiling long haired chihuahua

If you are looking for names that are less common and a good conversation starter, choosing a funny name for your Chihuahua is a good way to go.

Admiral, Boss or Big Boss, Captain, Chief, Colonel, Honcho, King, Major, Napoleon, Queen or Queenie, Sergeant or Sarge, or Your Majesty: Many Chihuahuas think they are the boss, so giving them a boss’s name is an inside joke of how your house is run, and funny because of how small they are. You could also make your dog’s current name funnier by using one of these slang terms for a boss in their name as a title, for example, Big Boss Braxton.

Albert, Charles, Gertrude, Mildred, Norma, Pearl or Walter: Classic, old fashioned names your grandma or grandpa might have been named make stories about the things your dog does sound even funnier. “You will never guess what Mildred did today! She ate a mouse!”

Andy, Angela, Creed, Michael, Dwight, Jim, Kelly, Meredith, Pam, Phyllis, Ryan, Stanley or Toby: The Office is funny television show, making fans of the show immediately laugh at their favorite scenes from the show when they hear the names of the characters on the show.

Anastasia, Alistair, Beauregard, Braxton, Francesca, Genevieve, Heathcliff, Leonardo, Lorelei, Marmaduke, Ophelia, Vincent or Vivian: naming your furry little one a very fancy name will make others laugh when you when call them.

Angel, Buffy or Spike: Naming your little girl after Buffy the Vampire Slayer is appropriate if she is feisty – Buffy was a petite girl who fought off vampires. Alternatively, if you have a little boy who snarls a lot, naming him after one of the vampires from Buffy’s show, Angel or Spike, is appropriate.

Ariel, Prince Eric, Sebastian, Ursula: If you are a fan of the little mermaid, just imagine yourself saying, “Prince Eric come here!” or “Ursula leave it!” and try not to laugh.

Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Batman, Hercules, Hulk, Spike, Superman, Thor or Zeus: since Chihuahuas are so small but think they are big, naming your furry friend after someone big or powerful can be funny.

Bandit: Most ideal for a highly motivated thief of food – or hearts!

Burrito, Beans, Taco, Tamale or Taquito: Use the food of your Chihuahua’s ancestor’s homeland to inspire your their name. Just be sure that you get a tortilla blanket to wrap your Chihuahua in when he or she is cold – a photo opportunity sure to be popular on social media.

smiling funny chihuahua

Binks (short for Jar-Jar Binks), Chewy (short for Chewbacca), Darth or Vader, Luke or Sky (short for Skywalker), Princess Leia, Wookie or Yoda: these Star Wars names can be cute or funny names for Chihuahuas. Yoda is a common Chihuahua name because they share a physical feature – the structure of their ears.

Doctor, Esquire or Nurse: Add the title Doctor or Nurse before any name, or Esquire after any name, to make your dog’s name funnier. Imagine yourself saying, “Doctor Riley your presence is requested immediately!” or “Nurse Piper your dinner is ready!”.

Henry: when pronounced as the French say, “on-ree”, no one can address your dog without laughing!

Karen: Best for very sassy and opinionated Chihuahuas, using this modern day slang for demanding women is sure to bring some laughs.

Lady, Lord, Madame or Sir: Add the title Lady, Lord, Madame or Sir before any name to make your dog’s name funnier. When addressing your dog, saying “excuse me sir” or “excuse me madame” will always make someone laugh.

Lastly, giving your dog a long full name is always funny. For example, one of my readers named her dog Beauregard Charles the First and Last (the last because he was neutered), and calls him Beau for short.

smiling chihuahua in field of yellow flowers

Some Other Funny Chihuahua Names

Charmin (as in “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin)

Auggie Doggie




Mr. Wittles


Special Ed 


Ugly Betty


Wittle Fing


Closing Considerations

If you get stuck when choosing a name for your Chihuahua, try writing it down to see how it looks, and try it out by calling out the name around your house to see how sounds. Make sure that it is not an unkind name and choose it lovingly.

If you choose a long name, be sure to have a short name for your dog to go by on a daily basis because shouting, “Your Majesty Beauregard Charles the First and Last come here!” takes a lot more effort than “Beau come here!” in a situation where a command must be given quickly.

What is the best funny dog name that you have heard? I’d love to add it to our list. Please share in the comments to inspire other readers.



Thursday 16th of May 2024

I name my Chihuahua which always drew attention and laughs. Mr. Maschoolio pronounced. Mr. Ma School lee o

Cathy Bendzunas

Thursday 16th of May 2024

LOL, that is a funny name Cindy.


Saturday 16th of March 2024

My Lil 1 is called sinnamon sugar, because of her color & she can be a holy terror when she wants to.but I love her the same.

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 16th of March 2024

That's a cute name!

Jade Stone

Tuesday 29th of August 2023

I had two chihuahuas a few years ago and the little boy was Cooter Brown and the little girl was Maple Leaf.

Cathy Bendzunas

Tuesday 29th of August 2023

Those are super cute names Jade! I'll add them to the post.

Thursday 3rd of November 2022

I know I'm late to the party, just wanted to say love this post is awesome. Great ideas for my future Chi. My 10 yr old female's name is Takeyla, or Boo, Boozer, Quito, she responds to all, and her 5 yr old brother's name is Cabo Wabo (Sammy Hagar's)brand of tequila


Thursday 3rd of November 2022

I love those names!


Tuesday 13th of September 2022

praying your cancer treatment will be painless for you and bring swift cure and speedy recovery. Lucy's big smile and Bear's calm say it all, that you are in good hands. XOX


Thursday 15th of September 2022

Thanks Sandra! Yeah I don't know what I'd do without my little love bugs.