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Rick’s Chihuahua Story told by Minnie the Chihuahua

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Minnie the Chihuahua

Hi my name is Minnie-Bee or Minnie for short. A little over six months ago I was on a cold concrete floor at the local shelter. I was frail and underweight (just 2lbs). It was depressing…  It was then that I first saw a man peek through the window. I saw him whisper in a lady’s ear, open the door, and point to me.

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  My eyes locked on the lady and we established and instant connection. I could not stay away from her. Joy filled me as I began to hope I found my forever home….. But fear began to fill me. The man was gone. Did he not like me? Soon my fears were washed away as he returned with a person who unlocked my kennel and allowed me to be held by the lady.

Minnie the Chihuahua

I saw the man signing paperwork and in blur I was being carried out with them.

Our next stop was PETCO for a leash, and then a BIG place called COSTCO.

You see they were not looking for a new dog and had only come in to visit and give some love to the dogs at the shelter on their way there. Later I would find out from the second they saw me, they decided there was no way I would ever spend another lonely night alone.

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When we got to my new forever home, I discovered I had two new sisters and a brother……


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A little later I discovered I also has two Kitty sisters……… I knew I would never be alone again! I was so happy.

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At first it was tough. I was a little frail and tired quickly. I had soooo many new playmates and a lot to learn. My sister Lilly helped show me the ropes and began to run around the yard with me to build my muscles with a game of chase. My brother Gizzy showed me where the Neighbor dogs live at the corner of our yard. We sometimes lose it and bark too loud, but Mommy and Daddy think my bark is cute.

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My sister Cutie told me about the treats and are they good!!!!! I quickly learned to “spin” to get them. Even my Kitty Sisters watch over and play with me. We go on trips with Daddy to Home Depot and Grandpaws. Wow life has changed.

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I am now full of muscles and have filled out to about four pounds. My Mommy has given me the nickname Little Miss Sassy because I like to talk and sass. My Mommy has even helped me create my own Facebook Page…(Minniesworld Handel)….. She thinks I am so cute and wanted to share me with the world, and who am I to disagree? I have made even more friends there……. I will never be alone again! Well my brother Gizzy and Sister Cutie have both made CHI OF THE HOUR and I would like to be CHI OF THE HOUR to make my Mommy proud! Poor Lilly will never get the chance though….. She is not a Chi, but a Beautiful black and white Papillion-mix with incredible ears (I nibble on them as we play sometimes….hehehehe). With all the playmates I have, I am dusted by the end of the day.

Well got to go, Lilly and I have to play with Abby (kitty sister). See ya on Facebook!


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Rick Handel


Monday 7th of January 2019

I lost my boy, 7 years ago. Every day was a struggle. I trolled site after site looking at babies. I loved them all however I just didn’t connect. When you see him or her you just know. Then one day it happened. The bells went off. The recur was hours away. I sent email after email. They told me that there were others wanting the little guy. I was distraught. I had the home check everything done for adoption. Needless to say we wasted no time to go pick him up. We found out his brother was up for adoption too and got both boys!!! Love them too pieces!!!


Monday 7th of January 2019

That was a lucky break that you managed to get both boys Claudia! I bet they keep you busy.

Betsy Mullins

Saturday 27th of January 2018

I have a tiny long haired baby with the almost the exact same story. I was about to loose my Taco. I had struggled to keep him for months, but I knew one summer arrived, that would be it. Taco was extremely special to me , like a child! As I type this 2yrs. Later tears roll down my cheek ,thinking about that day. I decided to go visit the local pound, a friend sent me a picture of a Chihuahua that resembled my previous dog (deceased). Try as I might, the little dog was vicious. The workers told me they had a male outside--OUTSIDE!26*. As I rounded the corner were this tiny baby was, he came running out of his huge igloo. The workers told me I couldn't adopt him for 3 more days. Three days in the ice He Sat! I woke up at 4:30; drove across town ,Sat in the parking lot til 7:30,so I could get him. Took him straight to the vet, all the hair ion his ears, tummy, and tail was gone! He weighed just 2lb Well, he weighs 5.7 now, 3yrs later


Saturday 27th of January 2018

Oh wow, they actually kept that poor baby outside? They should know better than that. So glad he got a good home with you Betsy.

Pat Buice

Monday 27th of June 2016

What a beautiful story and picture of your precious Chihuahua.I love that precious Chihuahua story.I'm so very glad that you found a forever your precious Chihuahua picture as well.May God bless you each and everyday.just beautiful Chihuahua


Monday 25th of January 2016

She is adorable... So happy that she will have an amazing life with so much love!!!??


Monday 25th of January 2016

I agree Rose.


Friday 23rd of May 2014

I think chi's are the best. Mine us three. And I tell her everyday how much I love her and couldn't imagine life without her. Her name is precious.