We all know Chihuahuas are small, fun little dogs that any couple or single person can own and cherish. These type of dogs are known for acting fearless and always loving their owner no matter what.
However, taking care of such a small dog can become a handful. Even more so than any other type of dog. Here are some tips that may help anyone who is planning on caring for these lovable Chis.
The first tip for caring for a Chihuahua is that they would rather be around a couple or single person, than a whole family. This may seem a bit much, however, these dogs do not like hanging around groups of people, unless they were trained correctly.
Many Chis usually don’t play well with other dogs and would rather be around a human being. If the Chi you are planning on owning didn’t grow up around other dogs, then most likely it would rather be secluded with its owner.
The second tip for raising a Chihuahua is that you don’t have to take them for walks as often as other dogs. Since they are so small, they do not require much exercise. They do need some activity every day to stay healthy so play with them or take them for a walk.
With such a small body, they will probably need to go out to potty a bit more often than most. This is a plus and also a minus, depending on how you are looking at it. The least you could do is take them out for a walk once a day, and if they need to potty then allow them to do so in the backyard.
The third tip for raising a Chi is that they can become very picky eaters. They would rather have the food they are most used to eating than trying out different types of cuisines. Most dogs would eat anything, however Chihuahuas are special. If they do not like the food they are given, they will not eat anything for a couple of days till they feel like there isn’t any other option but to eat the food offered.
When owners of a Chihuahua see this type of behavior, they tend to think their dog may die from starvation. That isn’t the case.
One of the best things about taking care of a Chi is that you don’t have to keep buying food every single week, because they don’t eat as much as other dogs. If it seems like they haven’t eaten in a couple of days. Do not worry, it is natural. Chihuahuas only need between 1/4 cup and 1 cup of food in a day, depending on the size, activity level , and metabolism of the dog and the quality of the food.
The final tip for taking care of a Chi is that they shed just as much as any other dog. If you haven’t groomed them regularly, they can spread hair or fur all over the carpet, couches, any type of clothing, and even your bed. It is best to groom them three to five times a week, depending on the type of Chihuahua you own. A small amount of fur would require weekly grooming and a huge amount would require daily grooming.
Have any tips to add? Leave them in the comments.
Chihuahua lover❤️
Saturday 11th of June 2022
This site is the best it helped me so much my chi is so healthy and now she can talk (bc i bought some buttons that can let ur dog talk on amazon.com) but its a little annoying bc she spams the give me food button almost all day long but she is still the healthiest dog of mine.She is 13 years old and got 4 puppies and there all 3 years old and there having the same diet as there mother but its just a little smaller❤️
Saturday 11th of June 2022
I have never heard of buttons that can help your dog talk. I'll have to look into it.
Madeline A Ferdinardo
Thursday 9th of December 2021
My deer head chi is so such a picky eater I have tried everything specially chi food all wet foods and dry he is picky about his treats too Yes he goes for 2 days or more without eating but shakes so much I want to cry its been 7 years of buying cooking and throwing out the food and giving it away when possible I don't use any seasonings I boil his food I buy organic chicken everything the best and yet he still has issues HELP
Thursday 9th of December 2021
Some dogs are just like that and unfortunately, he may always be like that. We do have a post on picky eaters here: https://ilovemychi.com/what-to-do-if-your-chihuahua-is-a-picky-eater/ that may help but I have a feeling you have probably tried most of these ideas. Check it out anyway just in case you come across something you haven't tried yet. Good luck!
Sunday 16th of August 2020
Happy I finally found this site. Much information and many good tips on chis. Thanks.
Wednesday 18th of March 2020
Ours knows what we are going to do just by the way we dress, it's amazing, and he loves my wife more than me even though he loves sleeping against me?
Thursday 19th of March 2020
They definitely are smart little dogs.
Saturday 11th of January 2020
How often do Female Chihuahuas go into heat? My chihuahua was in heat about 6 weeks ago and now she is in heat again
Saturday 11th of January 2020
They go into heat 3-4 times a year Alice.