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Weird Things Chihuahuas Do

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Funny chihuahua laying on back in grass with paws on both side of head.

All of us who own chihuahua dogs know just how special they are. In many ways they seem so different from other dogs, it’s hard to think of them as dogs.

I know mine keep me totally entertained by their funny antics. Lucas will come over and start scratching my arm when he wants my attention and if I continue to ignore him, he head butts my arm until I pick him up.

Then he will lay his head on my shoulder like a baby. This is more sweet than weird.

Lucy has decided she is the official washer of her brothers’ ears. I know a lot of dogs do this but Lucy will pin her brothers down with her paws, sit on top of them, and go at those ears until they are good and clean.

Sometimes she will continue and wash their whole face. Lucas, Bear and Ziggy actually seem to enjoy this daily ritual. But she continues to keep them pinned down until she’s done.

I asked other chihuahua owners what weird and funny things their chihuahuas do and here are some of the answers I got.


Bedtime Antics

  • Angela Labozzetta’s chihuahua Paco (who has passed) liked to sleep on her head. My Lucas does this too.
  • Sandy Petrie says   “Kali likes to dig my feet out from under my blanket. If they are tucked in tight she gets really upset. She grabs onto them and doesn’t stop until they are good and clean. I’ve never had a dog do that.
     The other crazy thing is that she jumps off the cupboards while I am getting her food ready. She doesn’t stop until I move toward the spot where I feed her. She does several spins and makes a weird sound I’ve never heard from an animal before. I put her bowl down and she looks at me with her toothy grin until I say “ok.”

2 photos one of a chihuahua asleep under covers the other standing on a plaid blanket.
  • wy*******@ao*.com ” data-hovercard-owner-id=”23″>Kyla says her Bentley has taken it upon himself to make sure all the cats are off the bed when she comes to bed, It’s like he wants to make sure she has room to get in. Then he stands there, wagging his tail, all proud of himself while she gets in bed. Then cats are welcome to get back on the bed.

Lilly the chihuahua tucked in bed.
  • Shannon Thomas says “My 10 year old chihuahua, Lilly, jumps up onto my bed. When I tell my fur-babies that it’s “time to go beddy-byes” she burrows in under my covers, turns herself around, and lays on her back with her head on my pillow. So she gets herself all tucked in! Every single night! It’s such a wonderful thing to climb into bed next to. She sends me to sleep smiling, for sure!”

2 fawn chihuahuas sleeping head to head.
  • Deanna Alexander’s boys like to sleep head to head. How cute!

Being Vocal

  • Ethel says “When I watch TV and there is music background Mia stands up and howls until I hit mute button.”
  • Maria Val Miñambres-Walker says “Every time we facetime with our grandsons, 3 and 2, our chi, Micki, gets jealous and starts howling, starts low and it keeps getting louder, it is funny.”

Big Rocco Vincenzo the chihuahua with a red tedy bear.
  • Vanessa Ann says Big Rocco Vincenzo cries like a baby when I ask him if he is my baby.

Fawn chihuahua laying down wearing a pink and blue dress.
  • Park Akela says “My chi Rose brings me toys and if I don’t throw it she will cry. She also barks at me to put on an outfit and she likes to pick which one.
  • Katelyn Boudreau says “Believe it or not my dog Sunny who is of course a chichi makes a funny sound that resembles a dolphin noise LOL.”

Meal Time

  • Mary says “My chi comes to me right after she eats. She jumps up to my shoulder and I remind her to clean her teeth and she starts cleaning them by using her tongue. I am patting her back and I tell her to give me a burp. And sure enough, she will give me a burp. Sometimes a loud one and sometimes more of a silent one. Then she gets down! We have been doing this for a couple of years or more.”
  • Vicky Gongola Nelson says “Each feeding, Cheech’s bowl is in front of a chair, which is against a wall. When I put his food bowl down, he goes under the chair, around one of the legs, then around to his bowl to eat. He could walk right directly to the bowl from the front, nothing is in his way.”
  • William Guess says “He will only drink out of a very small plastic bowl we have, NOTHING else! He will NOT eat out of a bowl, only off the floor! He doesn’t like walking on tile floors and won’t walk on wood floors! At 9:00 he’s ready to pee, and go to bed, whether you are or not! He basically lives on the loveseat, with his brother!”
  • Debbie St. Jock Levesque says “My chi, Fawny, attacks the spoon when I give her yogurt. She shows teeth and all while trying to eat the yogurt.” Wonder what’s that about?

Silly Antics

  • Sindie says her Chi Izabella will show her butt on command.

Chihuahua walking with toy hamburger in mouth.
  • Teresa Badgley says “We take her hamburger for walks.”

2 white and black chihuahuas with one laying on the floor and the other with his butt in the face of the 1st Chihuahua.
  • This one cracks me up. Andi Hidalgo Peterson says “Cocoa Bean and Fonzie battle it out to get “the spot” in front of the vent all the time. Cocoa refused to move, and got a face full of dog butt.”

Maggie Mae Moonshine the chihuahua
  • Christina Jones says “Maggie Mae Moonshine sings when she hears songs of praise or a female singing on the telly.”

Febe the chihuahua with pacifier in her mouth laying bed.
  • Helen Rivest has a 10 year old chihuahua named Febe. You can see in the photo above what she likes to do.

Fawn Chihuahua wearing red sweater.
  • Dawn Sones says her Charlie doesn’t like it when she talks. “He will lean on my face to cover my mouth . And when I hold him, he looks up and wants me to kiss his neck.”
  • Kimberly Kings says “My little Theo gets so excited when his “daddy” gets home from work that he grabs a toy and combat crawls across the carpet to him to play. When he’s had enough he puts his toy back in his bed. “
  • Suzanne Duncan says “My chi, Rory gets mad at me for taking him to the vet. When he gets home he runs upstairs and goes to bed.”

Fiona the chihuahua with a pacifier in her mouth.
  • Denise Newby says “This is Fiona. She steals pacifiers for a living.”

Beau the chihuahua sitting up on his butt.
Beau being “Batman”
  • Brenda Elolf says “My little Beau sits square on his butt, and when I tell him to look at someone and say “I’m Batman!” he turns his face to whoever and does his Batman pose with a huge grin.”

Long hair Chihuahua laying on rug.
  • Allison Skraba says “My chihuahua Gus always turns in circles but, only to the right. He is just like Derek Zoolander and cannot turn left.”
  • Dawn Pyatt says her Chihuahua Bambi likes to sniff her eyeballs. Too funny!
  • Loren Vinson says “Mine likes to put his nose up my nose and likes to howl like a coyote.”

Tater Tot the chihuahua.
  • Brenda Marlowe says “My Tater tot will do a tap dance when ready to go out side.”

Chihuahua watching a movie.
  • Debbie Cameron says “Baby Love likes the movie  “Secret Life Of Pets Part One”.

Showing Love

Suzie Q sitting on a shoulder.
  • Leslie Nelle-Urinyi says “Suzie Q always sits on my shoulder.” Like a parrot. LOL.

Chihuahua nose to nose with small bunny.
  • Olivia Bănică says “My Chi loves his brother from another mother. It’s a baby bunny and he always treats him like a puppy. The bunny doesn’t mind; he even jumps on his back. They are the weirdest couple ever.” How cute is this picture above.
  • Sheryl Myers says “My girl chi want a kiss on the cheek then turns her head for another kiss on the other side repetitively we call her the French kisser.”
  • chihuahua laying on her back
  • Hailee Brady says her chi lays between me and her boyfriend. “She wants all the cuddles.”

Gidget the chihuahua  wearing a shirt.
  • Kelly Tice says her Gidget gives her hugs by wrapping herself around Kelly’s neck.
  • Julie A Rogers says “My baby will put her forehead against you when she wants love.” How sweet!

So what weird thing does your chihuahua do? Leave a comment and tell us! And be sure to check the comments for many more weird things that Chihuahuas do.


21 Things NEVER to Say to a ChihuahuUa Dog Parent

Things Chihuahuas Hate


blond woman holding white chihuahua

Cathy Bendzunas

Pet Blogger

I have had dogs all my life. I have been a pet groomer, worked in a pet hotel, and a kennel, and have bred and showed dogs.


Saturday 29th of June 2024

I loved all the cute stories of funny things Chihuahuas do and then I read the comments section and couldn't believe the silly things Chihuahuas do! I've had so many different breeds of dogs in my life, but none have compared to my first Chihuahua, Sadie! We have had her and her littermate, Max since 8 weeks old. They are 14 1/2 now. She is definitely a Daddy's girl, but when she isn't feeling well, or a storm or fireworks are scaring her, she becomes my velcro girl. I get to cuddle her and make her feel safe or get her medicine she needs. I know she loves me.


Saturday 17th of February 2024

Bubbalouise walks on my body at night to get out from under the covers, even my head and face!

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 17th of February 2024

LOL, Mine do that too, Don't you love being a piece of furniture?

Debbie Tracy

Friday 16th of February 2024

My Delta has always liked to be on my shoulder when I pick her up....and it has to be my left shoulder. When we go kayaking she will sit in the kayak for awhile but then wants up on my shoulder and will stay there even when I paddle till my arm gets tired.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 16th of February 2024

I bet that's so cute. Like a little furry parrot!

Karen House

Friday 16th of February 2024

So sorry about your health, glad you got your hair trimmed, it makes one feel better. I love your chi site. We had a death in the family so I just got home after 2 weeks in FL and my chi, Condi, went nuts, she screamed, cried and ran in circles for 10 minutes when I got home. My husband said that was the most exercise she had for the whole 2 weeks while I was gone. Wish I could get her to eat dog food (IAW vet) but so far not so much. Anyway, so very glad you are doing better.

Cathy Bendzunas

Friday 16th of February 2024

Thanks Karen and I'm sorry about the death in your family. That's always hard. Does Condi not eat dog food all the time or just when you are out of town?

Beatrice Humphries

Sunday 17th of December 2023

My Quency will take his left foot and taps me on my arm when he needs to go pee or donumber 2 and whines till i take him out then i say let me see if you have poop on you he just stop and lets me pick up his tait up and if he needs to be cleaned he will stand still untill i wipe him then he is ready to go inside.

Cathy Bendzunas

Sunday 17th of December 2023

What a clever little pup!