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What Makes a Chihuahua a Personality-Packed Pooch to Fall in Love With?

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There are almost 60,000 registered chihuahuas in Los Angeles alone, and in some small areas (zip codes 90220, 90221 and 9022 to be precise), the chi is the top breed in terms of numbers!

2 cute chihuahuas

Of course, the chihuahua is also popular in the rest of the United States and the world over, with their pocket-size cuteness making them a very easy pet to keep close.

However, there are more reasons why the appeal of chihuahuas remains strong — one of which is their personality.

Chihuahuas may be tiny but they are the ‘Rocky’ of the dog world with all the spark, affection, and loyalty needed to be a beloved family pet. 

Always by Your Side

People who own and love chihuahuas know that their chi usually likes to sit or cuddle close to its ‘person’ or persons, usually enjoying a little body contact if possible. Thus, if you work from home or spend plenty of time in the home, a chihuahua is the ideal companion that will literally be by your side throughout the day.

If you also like close proximity to your pets, then you will undoubtedly enjoy having your little one on your lap or seated next to you, happily snoozing until you are ready to take them for their first walk of the day. 

Your Flexible Chihuahua

Their naturally confident yet affectionate way of being gels well with a variety of human personality types.

If you are playful and extroverted, your chi will love playing games like fetch, and rolling about on his back while you scratch his belly.

Chihuahuas are also highly intuitive, capturing their ‘person’s’ mood well. If you are a shy and feeling-based type of person, then you will find welcome company in your chi, who will stick by your side when new people come to visit.

Chihuahuas take a little time to adapt to strangers, so they can be considered a wonderful combination of little introvert and playful extrovert.

Like people who blossom socially as they get to know others, chis will begin by sticking to you but will eventually approach new friends and places for a curious stiff and a little play.

A Dog with Character

Chihuahuas may be small in size, but they definitely have a big character.

They can quickly choose their favorite spot on the sofa, which is usually very close to you. Thus, if someone new aims to steal their spot, they may get a little annoyed – which is actually very similar to little human beings.

This can easily be corrected with training. By exposing your chihuahua to situations requiring adaptation (e.g. asking people to sit next to you so your furry BFF gets used to this possibility), you can achieve your aim slowly but steadily.

Filled with Energy

Chihuahuas have a lot of energy and really enjoy walks outside, so try to give your little one at least two good walks, aiming for at least 20 minutes (for each walk) beneath the welcoming sun (opt for the shade in the summer, of course) for a chi pup aged four to eight months.

Hopefully, you can take your little pocket rocket to a dog park or area where he can safely run off leash for a little while.

As your chihuahua enters into adulthood, your walks can be a bit longer, lasting around 30 minutes. Your chi will welcome any fun activities you can think of so depending on the season, you might try swimming (make sure to use a certified doggy flotation device), hide and seek, and mini frisbee throwing!

Chihuahuas are one of America’s best-loved dog breeds, and it is easy to see why. Affectionate, loyal, and intuitive, they are the perfect unconditional friend. Y

our chi may be small but he stores a lot of energy inside that little body. Make sure he ‘lets loose’ with a couple of walks a day, adapted to his age and the time of year it is.



5 Reasons to Choose a Chihuahua

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

We had a 'non-standard' chihuahua for about 13 years. She weighed 15 to 16 pounds. Much bigger than my wife expected.


Wednesday 29th of September 2021

Yeah that's big for a chi but not unheard of.


Saturday 29th of February 2020

Awww! Thank you! We had a wee crisis this week. If you look closely at the dog-bed they are perched upon in the photo, you’ll see it has fuzzy, comfy top layer (leopard) and underneath is the blue royal blue electric heating pad (for dig/cat). Both of these sit on the doggy bed, reachable via steps, of course! Well, I noticed Gigi was spending more and more time in her crate - usually an indication of her feeling unwell or anxious due to a change in routine or too many new people around, excess noise. In searching for the cause - I discovered the pad was no longer functioning! It took several days to research and obtain the replacement. But all’s right with the world again, now. Phew!


Saturday 29th of February 2020

Glad it wasn't because she was feeling sick.


Saturday 29th of February 2020

Felicite: Your Max is adorable! My pups (Chi Gigi & Mi-Ki named Mia) are the loves of my life! Companions, watch dogs, Significant Others, always need me, love me unconditionally and “Littles” who will never grow up! It made me happy to see you talk about Max as the love of your life, too!


Saturday 29th of February 2020

You're fur babies are so adorable Anni!

Felicite Hannington

Saturday 29th of February 2020

Thank you for your great page. I have a beautiful little Chi x Pomeranian named Max and he's the love of my life.


Saturday 29th of February 2020

You're welcome Felicite and Max is adorable!