Looking for the best names for a female chihuahua? Whether your female chihuahua is tiny, loud, feisty, or just super cute, this list will help you find the best name for your girl chihuahua dog.
Table of Contents
- Names that Begin with A
- Names that Begin with B
- Names that Begin with C
- Names that Begin with D
- Names that Begin with E
- Names that Begin with F
- Names that Begin with G
- Names that Begin with H
- Names that Begin with I
- Names that Begin with J
- Names that Begin with K
- Names that Begin with L
- Names that Begin with M
- Names that Begin with N
- Names that Begin with O
- Names that Begin with P
- Names that Begin with Q
- Names that Begin with R
- Names that Begin with S
- Names that Begin with T
- Names that Begin with U
- Names that Begin with V
- Names that Begin with W
- Names that Begin with X
- Names that Begin with Y
- Names that Begin with Z

When thinking about names for a chihuahua, it’s always a good idea to keep the names shorter rather than longer since it’s easier for your chihuahua to understand commands when it hears its name.
I often see people in our Facebook group asking what they should name their new chihuahua. Are chihuahua names different than other dog names? Well, they can be, so I created this list of popular chihuahua names.
There are always more chihuahua girl names that can be added to the list! If you know of any great names for a girl chihuahua that aren’t already on the list, please leave a comment below with the name and I’ll add your girl chihuahua names to the list.
Enjoy this list of chihuahua names for a girl. These female chihuahua names are perfect for your new pup!
Names that Begin with A
- Aarie
- Abby
- Adelaide
- Alexa
- Alexis
- Alice
- Alina
- Allie
- Amber
- Amora
- Amy
- Anabelle
- Angel
- Annie
- Ant
- Aubrey
- Autumn
- Ava
Looking for names for boy names? Read our post on 325+ best boy chihuahua names.
Names that Begin with B
- Baby
- Baby Girl
- Babydoll
- Bambi
- Bailey
- Batsy
- Mrs. Beasley
- Beatrice
- Bebe
- Bella
- Belle
- Betsy
- Beyonce
- Bianca
- Binky
- Bitsy
- Blessing
- Blondie
- Blue
- Bonita
- Boo Boo
- Brandy
- Breena
- Brie
- Brownie
- Buffy
- Bug
- Bunny
- Bubbles
- Bunny
- Buttercup
- Butters
- Butterscotch
- Buttons
Names that Begin with C
- Callie
- Cammie
- Candy
- Cappuccino
- Caramel
- Carly
- Carrie
- Cassidy
- Cassie
- Cece
- Chacha
- Chanel
- Charlotta
- Chassie
- Cheddar
- Chelsie
- Chica
- Chichi
- Chicklet
- Chicky
- Chilipepper
- Chilly
- Chipaletta
- Chippy
- Chiquita
- Chloe
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Clementine
- Cleo
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cricket
- Crouton
- Cuddles
- Cupcake
- Cutie Pie
Names that Begin with D
- Dafodil
- Daisy
- Daisy Mae
- Daphne
- Darla
- Deedee
- Delilah
- Dinky
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Doodles
- Dovey
- Duchess

Names that Begin with E
- Ebony
- Echo
- Effie
- Elf
- Ella
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Ember
- Emery
- Emma
- Emmie
- Emmylou
- Esmay
- Espresso
- Eva
- Evie
Names that Begin with F
- Fable
- Faith
- Fajita
- Fancy
- Fawn
- Fergie
- Fern
- Fiesta
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flo
- Flora
- Fluffy
- Foxy
- Frida
- Fudge
- Fuzzy
Names that Begin with G
- Gabby
- Gabriela
- Gemma
- Gia
- Gidget
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Ginger Snap
- Ginny
- Giselle
- Gizmo
- Gizzy
- Gracie
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Guinevere
- Gumdrop
- Gypsy
Names that Begin with H
- Hailey
- Halfpint
- Halo
- Hannah
- Happy
- Harley
- Harmony
- Harper
- Hazel
- Heidi
- Hershey
- Hickory
- Holly
- Honey
- Hope

Names that Begin with I
- Inca
- India
- Indigo
- Inez
- Isabelle
- Isadora
- Itsy
- Itty Bitty
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzy
Names that Begin with J
- Jada
- Jade
- Jana
- Janie
- Jasmine
- Java
- Jazzy
- JellyBean
- Jenna
- Jenny
- Jersey
- Jessy
- Jewel
- Jill
- Jingle
- Jitterbug
- Jinx
- Josie
- Joy
- Julie
- Juliet
- June Bug
Names that Begin with K
- Karma
- Katara
- Kate
- Katie
- Kayla
- Keesha
- Kelsey
- Kibbles
- Kira
- Kilo
- Kissy
- Kiwi
- Kloe
- Koko
- Kya
- Kylie
Names that Begin with L
- Lacy
- Lady
- Ladybug
- Layla
- Leah
- Lemon
- Lexi
- Libby
- Lil Bit
- Lila
- Lilac
- Lily
- Little Bit
- Little Red
- Little Sister
- Livvy
- Lizzie
- Lola
- Lolita
- Lollipop
- Lolly
- Love Bug
- Lucca
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Lyla

Names that Begin with M
- Mabel
- Macy
- Mackenzie
- Maddie
- Madison
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Maisy
- Malie
- Mandy
- Mango
- Marcie
- Marigold
- Marilu
- Marley
- Marshmallow
- Martini
- Matilda
- May
- Maya
- Maylie
- Medusa
- Meggie
- Melody
- Melina
- Melany
- Mercedes
- Mercy
- Mia
- Midgee
- Midget
- Mika
- Mila
- Miley
- Millie
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Missy
- Misty
- Mitzi
- Mocha
- Molly
- Mona
- Mouse
- Moxie
- Muffin
- Muffy
- Munchkin
- Muppet
- Mya
- Myla
Names that Begin with N
- Nacho
- Nakita
- Nala
- Nano
- Naomi
- Nellie
- Nessie
- Nemo
- Nibbler
- Nikki
- Nina
- Nitro
- Noodles
- Nova
- Nugget
- Nutmeg
- Nyla
Names that Begin with O
- Olga
- Olivia
- Olive
- Opal
- Oreo
Names that Begin with P
- Panda
- Pandora
- Paprika
- Paris
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Pebbles
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Perdita
- Petunia
- Phoebe
- Pickles
- Piglet
- Pinky
- Pip
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pipsqueak
- Pixel
- Pixie
- Polly
- Pookie
- Poppy
- Precious
- Princess
- Priscilla
- Prissy
- Puddin
- Puddles
- Pumpkin

Names that Begin with Q
- Queenie
Names that Begin with R
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Raisin
- Raven
- Remmy
- Rina
- Risa
- River
- Ritzy
- Roo
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosita
- Rosebud
- Rosie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Ruthie
Names that Begin with S
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Saffron
- Saffy
- Sage
- Sally
- Salsa
- Samantha
- Sandy
- Sangria
- Sapphire
- Sara
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Saucy
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Selina
- Serena
- Sesame
- Shasta
- Shelby
- Shira
- Shortcake
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Sissy
- Skittles
- Skye
- Smooches
- Smurfette
- Snippet
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snuffles
- Sonya
- Sookie
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sparkles
- Spice
- Spirit
- Squirt
- Star
- Stella
- Suga
- Sugar
- Sugg Sugg
- Summer
- Sunshine
- Sunny
- Sweet Pea
Names that Begin with T
- Tabitha
- Taco
- Taffy
- Tally
- Tamale
- Tansi
- Tawny
- Teeny
- Telulah
- Tequila
- Tess
- Tessa
- Thumbelina
- Tia
- Tickles
- Tidbit
- Tika
- Tike
- Tikki
- Tilly
- Tina
- Tiny
- Tinkerbell
- Tippy
- Tootsie
- Topez
- Tory
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Tulip
- Tutu
- Twiggy
- Twinkie
- Twinkle

Names that Begin with U
- Ursala
- Utopia
Names that Begin with V
- Valentine
- Vanessa
- Vanilla
- Veda
- Vega
- Velvet
- Venus
- Vera
- Veronica
- Vesta
- Vicky
- Violet
- Vixen
Names that Begin with W
- Weeble
- Whisper
- Wispy
- Willa
- Willow
- Winnie
- Winter
Names that Begin with X
- Xena
Names that Begin with Y
- Yasmine
- YaYa
- Yoko
- Yuki
- Yumi
- Yuna
Names that Begin with Z
- Zada
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zoey
- Zsa-Zsa
If you’re still looking for names, check out our other great chihuahua names posts.
If you didn’t find the name you are looking for here, you can also try out Rover’s dog name generator.
After you’ve decided on a name for your new dog, check out our articles on chihuahua puppies and learn what you need for your chihuahua puppy.
Tuesday 3rd of October 2023
Cathy Bendzunas
Tuesday 3rd of October 2023
I have never heard that for a girl's name before.
Ann K
Monday 22nd of May 2023
My chi’s name is Ms Beasley , I named her after the doll …
Cathy Bendzunas
Monday 22nd of May 2023
I remember that doll! It was popular when I was a child.
Frances Gibson
Tuesday 20th of April 2021
My girls name is Sunnay
Wednesday 21st of April 2021
Interesting, how did you come up with that name?
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
Alina a lovely name thinking of calling my little girl
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
That is lovely! I added it to the list.
Eva M Baker
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
My female Chi's name is Fifi
Monday 22nd of February 2021
Thanks Eva, I added it.