One debate I often hear is whether should chihuahuas wear clothes. The answer is most likely, yes, with some stipulations.
We often have adorable Chis in adorable clothes show up on our Facebook page. Sometimes the pet parents are given a hard time because of those clothes. The usual statement is something to the effect of “Your dog is not a doll to play dress up with” or “let dogs be dogs” or “my dog hates clothes; I would never force her to wear them”.
Dog Clothes – Handmade Dog Poncho from Authentic Mexican Blanket by Baja Ponchos
All of those are valid viewpoints but not really fair to people who choose to dress their Chihuahuas. There are some very valid reasons to dress your dog. And contrary to popular belief, not all dogs hate it. Many dogs love dressing up. I know this first hand (not with my Chi but with one of my big dogs).
Classic Sweatshirt in Lots of Colors
Reasons to Dress Your Chi:
- Warmth Chihuahuas tend to get cold easily so it’s a good idea to at least have a sweater or shirt for them to wear in cool weather or highly air-conditioned homes.
- Protection Clothes can provide protection from the elements. It can protect them from getting burnt by the sun, or bit by insects, and even lessens the allergens that attach to your dog’s fur. Boots and shoes can protect their paws from hot cement, ice, sharp rocks, and glass, salt, or de-icer chemicals.
- Cuteness You can’t deny the cuteness factor of a little Chi girl in a frilly dress or a little Chi boy looking dapper in a cute outfit. Many Chihuahuas love the attention they get from looking so cute in their clothes.

Reasons NOT to Dress Your Chi:
- Your dog hates wearing clothes and totally freaks out when you try to put them on.
- Your dog easily gets overheated (usually not an issue with Chihuahuas).
So do I dress my Chihuahua Lucy? Yes and no. I do have a few beautiful dresses for photo ops and such. But Lucy is long-haired and double-coated. She’s one of those rare chis that gets hot a lot. So though we do have a few sweaters for her, so far, she has never needed them.
Her brothers (a chihuahua-Yorkie mix and 2 Yorkies) wear sweatshirts all winter long. And one of them wears a shirt all year long because he has allergies and having a lightweight cotton shirt on keeps him from scratching.
I really enjoy seeing clothes on other dogs and I enjoy shopping for my boy dogs. You are seeing some of my favorites in this post.
Feel free to click on any of them if you’d like to order one for your Chi. They are all on Amazon and if you order through the links on my page, I Love My Chi gets a small compensation but it doesn’t cost any extra for you.

Warm Cotton Sweatshirt
How to Get Your Chihuahua to Wear Clothes
- Make it a fun experience by having some treats ready. Give one at the beginning when you pull the clothes out and let your chi smell and check out the clothes. Give another treat or two after you put the clothes on.
- Praise your dog while dressing them.
- If your dog doesn’t seem to mind the clothes, just leave them on awhile but if they seem to hate them, leave on for 10-20 minutes and then take them off (all the while praising them for being such a good boy or girl for wearing their clothes and giving a treat here and there. Then try again later in the day for a longer period of time. Over time, your chi will associate clothes with good things and will be used to wearing them.
- Use easy clothes to start with such as a cotton T-shirt. Stay away from buttons, straps, or multiple pieces of clothing.
- Make sure the clothes are comfortable, soft, and not binding.

When Should Your Chihuahua Wear Clothes
- If the temperature gets below 45 F degrees.
- If it’s cold, rainy or snowy.
- If the ground is very hot or icy (wear booties).
- If the sun is extremely strong (a light T-shirt for protection).
- If you are going to be out in inclement weather for longer than 10 minutes.
TIP: Whatever piece of clothing you buy, make sure there is enough room for your dog to pee and poop without getting it on the clothing.
So to answer the question, “Does my Chihuahua need clothing?” the answer is yes, but it’s really up to you.
I believe Chihuahuas being the cold-natured little critters they are, do need some clothing, at least enough to be comfortable and warm. The rest is up to you and your Chi.
We have some other clothes-related posts you may want to check out:
- Where to find coats for tiny dogs
- How to find clothes for tiny dogs
- We have a whole series of posts about chihuahua sweaters here.
Do you dress your Chi? Why or why not?
Here’s some more chi things you may want to check out:

Tuesday 19th of November 2024
Hi Cathy. I just love and enjoy all ur newsletters.About dressing chihuahuas-I go all for it!.. One of my babies🌈🌈, was a short coat, always shivering and always feeling cold. I know chihuahuas shivers, but my baby absolutely hated cold and snow. Living in Chicago, you have to be prepared for so many changes. My baby Chi simply couldn't stand in the snow, he collapsed and couldn't do his business. I simply got him boots. He didn't like it at first but once he felt warm, he got used to wearing them. Also the sweathers and warm coats. I got full closet of clothes for him.. Now I have one who is a long coat Chi and he loves to play in the snow🤔, but still shivers and I dress him up whenever we go out. So... As I said - I'm all for dressing up for chihuahuas. That's my own opinion. Best Regards, Leslie.
Cathy Bendzunas
Tuesday 19th of November 2024
Yeah I kind of wish Lucy needed clothes because I would love to dress her up and buy cute things for her to wear. But she is just so hot all the time, year around. Where do you find the boots? My dogs don't need them where I live but people are always asking where to get them and many say the ones they have tried won't stay on because of their tiny feet.
Wednesday 15th of December 2021
My chi Zoey is 12 and I recently had purchased this pink sweater for her and the part around her belly is snug right to her but not uncomfortable. I have noticed a difference in her anxiety level while wearing this. She has been much calmer. She gets upset if I try to take it off to wash. So glad I got it. Thanks Noreen and Zoey
Wednesday 15th of December 2021
That's great to hear Noreen. That reminds me of thunder shirts that are tight shirts you put on dogs to calm them down,
Saturday 14th of November 2020
I went to the store 2x the same day for the right garment for mine, who was showing how cold it is by not coming out of the blanket. So happy, running around and prancing, back to normal! Gets pretty cold here🐶
Sunday 15th of November 2020
Yes, some people seem to think it's mean or unnatural to dress a chihuahua not realizing they really need the extra warmth clothing provides. It's not cold here yet so I haven't needed to dress my chis, but my tiny yorkie was shaking a lot in the early mornings, so he is now wearing his sweatshirt.
Gina Laurie Whitford
Saturday 14th of November 2020
The link for the tutu dress goes to clasps not the dress, just wanted to let you know
Saturday 14th of November 2020
Thanks Gina, I fixed it.
Leon gonzales
Saturday 14th of November 2020
My name is prince Brandon young, 4 yrs old), energetic, happy dog and friendly.. I’m wearing my holiday outfit..
Saturday 14th of November 2020
Good for you! I bet you are very handsome!