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My Mommy got her first chi in 2001, right after she had been to Ireland. She already had a name picked out for him which she thought reflected her love of Ireland. His name was Keltie. He was an adorable tricolor chi and Mommy loved him so much she wanted to get him a sister.
She was looking at a yard sale site on line and she spotted a picture of me and knew I was the one she wanted – I am also a beautiful tricolor chi. Both Keltie and I are mostly black with a white tip on our tail.
I was born 1-3-08 and Mommy picked me up on Valentine’s Day that year. Mommy named me Sweet Kelcie Girl, but I’ve always been called Kissy Girl because I love to give kisses! I fit right in and made myself at home with my new family.
I even got an adopted doggie Mommy in the bargain – her name was Sassy Girl and she belonged to my human sister. Sadly, both Keltie and Sassy have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Keltie’s story was already featured on this site a while back and you can read it here.
I’m a happy go lucky little girl, and I love going outside … unless it’s raining or snowing! I don’t like getting my feet wet. I’m kind of prissy that way. I also don’t like bugs or frogs, but cats are fine.

I love to snuggle down in the blankets, especially when it’s chilly in the house. I love going to the beach and spending time with my Mommy, unless she’s watching a ball game. When she’s watching the Chicago Cubs or Duke Basketball, I used to go and lay down with my Daddy because sometimes Mommy yells at the TV and I don’t like it when she yells. Sadly, Daddy died in June and I really miss him. I have done my best to comfort my Mommy.
Until the end of October it was just Mommy and me, and I’d get really anxious every time Mommy left me alone . Sometimes people and sibling doggies go out the door and never come back, and I was afraid every time Mommy left. Mommy decided I needed a sibling to keep me company and help me not feel so anxious.
This time Mommy decided to look at a rescue doggie, and really wanted to get another chi. Since she always refers to me as her Pretty Pretty Princess or her Baby Girl, she thought maybe an older sibling would be nice.
She found one through Adopt an Angel (AAA) and brought me to meet her before bringing her home. I wasn’t too sure at first – I guess I felt a little jealous and worried that Mommy wouldn’t love me as much. But I’m learning that Mommy has enough love for both of us.
Turns out my new sister is about the same age as me and she was a stray, so her history is largely unknown; our vet thinks she is a chiweenie. Mommy adopted her in October. AAA called her Birdie, but Mommy thinks she looks more like a Duchess so that’s what she calls her. Maybe Mommy will tell everyone Duchess’ story in the future!
Not too long ago while Mommy was rubbing my tummy, she found a little lump. She took me to see the vet, and he said he didn’t think it was anything serious but wanted to remove it to be sure. So I had surgery a few days later. Then Mommy found another lump, and 4 days after my first surgery I had surgery again! I’ve had what basically could be a double mastectomy if you can believe that. The Vet called the day after my second surgery and said the tumor was benign. Mom was so happy she cried and said Praise the Lord! I’ve got all my stitches out now and I’m doing great.
That’s my story. Hope you liked it!
Kissy the Chihuahua
Lee Kent
Wednesday 3rd of May 2023
I have a 12 year old chi called Frodo. He is long haired red, weighs 4.5 lbs and looks very like Lucy. [when I've learned how to download photos I'll send a pic. as he's very photogenic]. He came into our family 'by accident', as we are a chowchow family. I went to the vets to collect some medication for our elderly cat. Coming out saw a family of Mum, Dad and boy of about 8 looking sad and worried. I smiled at them, wanting to consol them and as I got in the car they came over and said 'Do you have a dog?'. I said 'I have several'. They said 'Would you have our puppy? We've only had him 3 days, but our daughter is highly allergic to him and has been rushed to hospital twice. We talked through several solutions, but in the end he came home with me and I had to confess to my partner! So here he is, lord of all he surveys, at 12 and as bright a button as he ever was. They are a wonderful breed and I'll definitely think of a senior rescue later on. Lee Kent, Lincolnshire UK
Cathy Bendzunas
Wednesday 3rd of May 2023
That's a wonderful story Lee!
Two French Bulldogs
Tuesday 6th of December 2016
You are adorable Lily & Edward