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4 Ways to Cope with the Death of Your Chihuahua

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Enjoy this guest post on something we all have to deal with eventually.

Having a chihuahua as a member of your family is a very special experience. They bring a great deal of joy into your home, and their personalities always find their way into your heart.

3 tone chihuahua with toy

The memories you build together are likely to be as impactful and important as any you create with your human friends and family. Which is why, when they pass away, it can be a traumatic event. They may be small in size, but their death tends to leave a big hole in your life.

So what are the best ways to handle the grief of your chihuahua’s sad passing? Are there areas of focus that can help you transition to the key stages of grief? Let’s take a closer look at some activities that can help you cope at this difficult time.

1. Maintain an Open Dialogue

At any challenging time of our lives, one of the worst things we can do is stay silent. The death of a pet is no different. Keeping your emotions, thoughts, and fears bottled up can have a destructive influence on your mental health.

Unfortunately, there is a tendency in our society to minimize the loss when it comes to pets, but the truth is the loss of such a loved and constant companion can be devastating.

In the days following the death of your chihuahua, take time to talk first about how you are feeling. This can be especially useful if you join together as a family to do so. Create a forum through which everyone feels able to talk about their pain. However, it’s equally important to also talk about your positive experiences with your chihuahua — discuss those happy memories, and share funny stories too.

Remember, grief can continue long after the initial shock of death. Therefore it’s important to keep talking and share your pain whenever the need arises.

2. Celebrate Their Life

Your chihuahua was a special and unique animal. Their passing deserves to be marked in a way that befits their place as a part of your family. By arranging a ceremony that celebrates their life, you can not only make a milestone that signals a moment for you to move beyond, but it also directs the energy of your grief in a way that is practical and positive.

One of the best things about designing a funeral for your chihuahua is there are fewer constraints and traditions than you’d find with the human variety. This means that you are free to make the program as personal and creative as you’d like.

Get your children involved too; have them write poetry, recall memories, and choose music. Make a digital slideshow with photographs of your family and your chihuahua. Choose a pleasant spot for burial, or take a trip together to the perfect location to scatter their ashes. This may be a sad and difficult time in your life, but by celebrating your chihuahua you all get to take a moment to appreciate just how much joy they brought in their short time on the planet.

scared white long hair chihuahua

3. Keep Their Memory Alive

Just because your chihuahua has passed away, it doesn’t mean that they won’t continue to have an influence on your life. There will be times that you or your family will want to take a moment to recall favorite stories, or simply smile at the thought of your pet’s various antics.

Finding ways to keep your chihuahua’s memory alive can be a useful tool to help you cope in the long term. Creating a formalized memorial is a good start. Take time to check out pet urns , and select the one which can function as the centerpiece of the small space in your home that you keep dedicated to your doggy companion. Surround it with pictures that your children draw of their pet, of photographs depicting their personality, even rest it on top of a favorite cushion. This gives you and your family a specific place they can visit and spend a little time just sitting with their memories.

Don’t be afraid to keep your chihuahua’s birthday on the calendar, too. This can give you all a specific day in which you can revisit your fond thoughts of your little furry family member. Perhaps take a trip to their favorite spot to walk and explore.

4. Make a Difference

When a pet passes, we can often feel powerless to do anything. Especially when they die from a long illness. One of the ways to combat this is by getting involved in causes that improve the lives of chihuahuas and other breeds.

You can put together a small fundraising event that helps to support research and treatment into the illness that your companion experienced. Alternatively, you can commit time to volunteer at an animal shelter — helping those dogs who haven’t yet been lucky enough to find the type of loving home your chihuahua enjoyed.

There’s no better tribute to the loss of a loved pet than directing your grief toward making the lives of other animals better.

Also Read:

How to Prepare for Your Dog’s Passing


There’s no escaping the fact that the death of your beloved chihuahua is going to be painful. However, by ensuring that you keep talking about your feelings and finding moments to appreciate their impact on your life, you can find a way through the most difficult of the days


Saturday 5th of October 2024

I've just lost an incredibly wonderful Chihuahua. I can't share my grief yet but I want to thank you Cathy and all the lovely people who feel the same. Just knowing that there are friends out there who know how it feels is a great comfort. My love to all of you xXx

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 5th of October 2024

I'm so sorry Cherry. Yes, we all understand what you are going through and know how hard it is.

Kelly Rusiecki

Wednesday 14th of August 2024

I lost my precious boy, Moose, 2 days ago. He was 17 years, 4 months and 3 days old.....all but his 7 first weeks with me. It was time for him to go and I've been gearing up for it for the past year or so not knowing how long he may stay with me. He was a gift - in every way. He was a gift from my best friends. He was the perfect gift from God.....we were so bonded and so in tune. His life was a gift to me in every way, every bit of care, every life event we went through together, every time he welcomed me home, gave me kisses, peeked at me from under his blanket in his car seat to be sure I was still in the drivers seat.....he was the perfect little Applehead, the perfect sassy pants, the perfect smart guy, the perfect little love. He was, and is, the doggy love of my life. I didn't realize how much I needed him during all of those years, but I see now how much I received from him....and I'm a little lost without him. In a houseful of rescued dogs, cats and other things, he was my only baby....being raised from a puppy. I miss my baby. I knew it would be hard and it is. I do believe in Heaven, I do believe in the Love of Jesus, I do believe that our dogs come to us at the right time for the right reasons and it's based on what we need and what we can learn from them. I believe that Jesus has a special place waiting for them in his heavenly realm and I pray that when I die I'll be allowed to enter that special place where my Moose Baby, and all of my departed babies will be waiting for me. I find comfort in that. God bless all of you who have loved and lost.

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 14th of August 2024

I'm so sorry Kelly. It's so hard to lose them but specially hard when they are our little soul mates. I think we all have that dog that is just so special to us and it's so hard to lose them. Like losing a piece of ourselves.

Lee Courtney

Saturday 23rd of September 2023

My little Mya 💔😔after 14 years went from running around like a puppy to painful arthritis. Her little knees had popped out of place and her joints became disfigured. I had to hold her up just to potty. She was miserable. I was only being selfish to keep her alive. So I did the right thing. A friend picked us up on the appointed day and right from the minute I closed the door of her car I remember nothing. Nothing. I don’t remember getting to the vet or walking back through my door with Mya’s pink winter blanket. I still can’t remember the next two days. The third day I was to go to work and called in because I’d lost track of the last two. The trauma was so harsh that I actually blocked out three days of my life. I had already arranged for her pick up and her tiny little urn. It’s only when I held her urn in my hands that I broke down and now I can’t stop crying. Her little bed is still next to my pillow with her blanket that I won’t wash. Not sure where to go from here. I live alone so this is breaking my heart each and everyday. Writing even this is hard because I can’t see through the tears. 🥹😔😞💦🥀🌈🎚️🙏


Wednesday 13th of March 2024

@Lee Courtney,

Hi Lee - I just wanted to ask how you’re doing? Has the last few months helped to ease your pain at all? I lost my 14y/o boy Lou a week ago tomorrow & I’m obvi devastated. I relate to your comment more than the others & wanted to know if it’s gotten any better for you? Right now I feel like I’m never going to be ok again & the pain is paralyzing. Also I’m so sorry for your loss of Mya. It’s hard to let go even if they’re struggling but once my boy needed me to help him go to the bathroom, I knew it was time to let him go. Even now I keep having random thoughts of should I have just waited but I know that’s me selfishly wanting him here with me. I’ve been inconsolable for most days & have considered if his death is enough to cause mine because I feel like I’m dying. I used to get horrible separation anxiety so this is the ultimate knowing he’ll never be in my arms again… praying that you’re doing as well as you can. Xoxo Toni

Cathy Bendzunas

Saturday 23rd of September 2023

I'm so sorry Lee. It's so hard to lose these little ones. They bring so much joy and happiness to our lives and when they are gone, they take a piece of us with them.

Michael Angel Rodriguez

Wednesday 24th of August 2022

Our rescued chihuahua from Tijuana Mexico just passed away this Saturday. His name was Iceberg Slim, or "Icey boy" my wife's nickname to him, or Slimmy from my end, he responded to either or variations as well. He was a super-intelligent boy, warm, beautiful,jumpy-jumpy, and now that my wife became pregnant. Slim became my wife's entourage/security and anywhere in the house she went, he went and followed suit. We created many fond memories and road trips to Baja California, Cabos, Loreto, Mulege, and much more. He was with me for 3 years and 8 months (He passed away on Aug. 20, 2022). I have so many pictures of him cuddling in bed with me, or videos of me asking him in both Spanish and English to "speak", "lay down" etc. I am really missing him in my heart and I look at the couch or my balcony on sunny days where he would lounge and sunbathe the day away. I loved him very much, and I know in my heart that he loved me just as much, and he adored and loved my wife even more.

His cremated remains are stored in a beautiful urn sitting in my living room. Never would I think that his departure would shatter my heart as I have felt in these past several days.

Rest in peace Slimmy boy! Wait for Mami and Papi on the Rainbow Bridge.

Michael Angel Rodriguez

Wednesday 24th of August 2022

@Cathy, Thank you very much. This was a beautiful article and felt I should share my experience with my own chihuahua boy. He was an absolute treasure and his memories will live on forever in our hearts.


Wednesday 24th of August 2022

I'm so sorry Michael! He sounds like he was a special little guy.

Marie Berthe Aycardo

Saturday 23rd of April 2022

Good day ... i just lost my 7years old Haley/ female chihuahua last Thursday.😢 She’s been with me during the downside and happy times of my life... she cheered me up especially when i’m coping up the lost of my husband too... we ride motorcycle together while i hid her inside my jacket, greeted me after duty hours, jumping so i could pick her up, stay with me in my bed and other funny, loving moments i missed.😢 My heart cries... i pray for healing.🙏


Friday 29th of April 2022

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be.