Not only is this something you love doing, but it is also legitimately important! Quality time with your dog helps you bond with your dog, and also may help you to relax and stress less. The best part is you can start strengthening your bond with your Chihuahua today!
Here are my top 21 Fun Activities To Do With Your Chihuahua:
1. Go For A Walk
There are lots of benefits associated with going for walks together for both dogs and owners. Even though Chihuahuas are tiny, they have exercise needs too, and so do you.
Since their little legs cannot walk quite as far as ours, consider purchasing a puppy stroller or puppy back pack when going long distances.
Most neighborhoods have a side walk to walk on, or you can visit local parks. Always use a leash and harness to keep your canine companion safe.
2. Play With Puzzles
There are many dog puzzles available for purchase online, or you could search for instructions on how to make your own at home.
Not only is it fun to watch your Chihuahua figure out the puzzle, but it also is good to give her a challenge that makes her think.
Fill the puzzle with your Chihuahua’s breakfast or dinner, or with low calorie treats if between meals, such as cut up pieces of carrots and apples.
3. Go To A Garden Center
Walking your Chihuahua around a garden center can be very relaxing for you and offers lots of interesting smells for him.
He will also love all the attention he might get from staff and other customers.
4. Bake Homemade Treats And Host A Taste Testing Party
Check out our easy treats to make post and make them for your Chihuahua to have a taste testing party with her favorite furry friends.
5. Take A Road Trip

Think of local landmarks that you could visit if you had a day to dedicate to visiting them.
If your Chihuahua enjoys riding in the car, take a trip every other weekend.
She will enjoy smelling new smells and meeting new people who want to pet her.
Buy a map and check off all the places you visit together and take lots of pictures!
6. Go Shopping
Take your Chihuahua shopping at every local pet store near your home and hunt for bargain supplies for your dog and to donate to dog rescues.
Searching for dog toys tiny enough to fit in their little mouths usually takes a few trips.
7. Kayak
Since Chihuahuas are so good at snuggling and traveling compactly, rent a kayak and row around the lake with your favorite first mate in your lap.
Be sure to find a doggy life jacket for your Chihuahua before hitting the water. They are available in bright colors for safety.
This safety necessity does not have to be boring though; there are mermaid or shark life jackets available!
8. Play Hide and Seek
Have your Chihuahua wait in another room and hide snacks and toys for her to find.
If she needs to lose some weight this activity is great low impact exercise, as it would get her walking around the house more. It is also mentally stimulating.
9. Go To A Starbucks With A Drive-Thru
Dogs are not allowed inside Starbucks, so find a Starbucks with a drive-thru and order a “puppacino”, which is whipped cream in a cup.
This makes an adorable photo-op especially when your Chihuahua’s name is on the cup!
10. Go To Wineries Or Breweries
There are many wineries or breweries that are dog friendly or that host dog friendly events. You will sample delicious drinks, and your Chihuahua will make new friends.
11. Sign Up for A Training Class
Enroll your Chihuahua in obedience class. This is a great bonding experience and will help your Chihuahua become more polite and provide her with a mental challenge.
12. Photo Shoot

Brainstorm cute or funny photograph ideas to take with your Chihuahua and post them to social media. If they are well received, maybe your Chihuahua could become a social media star!
13. Raise Money For Rescue
If your Chihuahua was a rescue, the cause of Chihuahua rescue is probably near and dear to your heart.
Participate in a rescue’s charity walk, or bake goods or make crafts and sell them to raise money for the rescue.
If those options are not possible, find out what supplies your favorite rescue needs the most, then hunt for bargains and clip coupons to purchase those items for them.
14. Go On A Sniff-fari
Wild animal scents in wax form in chapstick tubes are available for sale online or at outdoors stores that sell hunting equipment.
Purchase a few scents and “mark” your yard and places where your Chihuahua likes to walk. Then watch her follow her nose!
15. Massage

Your Chihuahua probably loves being petted and scratched, which are forms of massage.
Research dog massage techniques, then gently massage your Chihuahua with the methods you learned for some quality bonding.
16. Bury Treasure
Fill a shallow Tupperware container, or pie dish, or mini plastic pool, with clean sand or clean dirt free from fertilizer.
Bury some toys and let your Chihuahua check it out. Even if he has never dug for anything before, you might be surprised at how quickly he takes to digging for buried treasure!
17. Yoga
Search for a dog friendly yoga class, or if you cannot find one, search for a yoga instructor who does private lessons who would be happy to include your Chihuahua.
Most Chihuahuas love laying on yoga mats if they cannot lay on their favorite person, so even if a pose does not allow for your Chihuahua to “help” you, she will likely be happy to curl up next to you on your yoga mat.
18. Go Out To Eat
There are many restaurants that have dog friendly patios. Some even host special events that benefit dog rescue.
Many small ice cream stores have special ice creams for dogs on the menu.
Find somewhere that you enjoy going and make it one of your regular spots to support a dog friendly small business; and for all the attention your Chihuahua will get.
19. Learn New Tricks

Search for how to videos to train your Chihuahua some new tricks. Once you have mastered it, post a video online for all you friends to marvel at your furry little genius!
20. Brighten Someone’s Day
Find a local assisted living facility and or hospital that allows dogs to visit.
Inquire if a dog must be an American Kennel Club Good Citizen, or if a small well behaved dog may visit even without that accolade, as this is a common requirement.
Take your Chihuahua in to visit with residents or patients; your Chihuahua will love the attention and the residents will have a sweeter day.
It might be so much fun that you begin doing it regularly, which gives you more fun activities to do with your Chihuahua, like making costumes for holidays.
I did this for many years with my terri-poo Joey and it was something we both loved and looked forward to.
21. Make Your Chihuahua A “Blanket Burrito” And Snuggle
After owning a Chihuahua for any amount of time, you will learn that these little guys really love to snuggle.
After a day of fun, wrap your Chihuahua up in a blanket (also known as making a Chihuahua blanket burrito) and snuggle.
Regular blankets work for this, or you could order a burrito blanket for authenticity.
Closing Considerations
No matter what activities you choose to do with your Chihuahua, keep in mind how important it is to “be present”.
Minimize the time you spend on your cell phone and give your canine companion oodles of one on one attention. Your Chihuahua will be happy no matter what activity you do as long as he does it with you!
Let us know in the comments what activities you like to do with your chihuahua!

Thursday 25th of February 2021
Helluz,my nam iz sporkie andz my onerr taut mez a trik whem i spim in a sircle an them lii doun.
Monday 4th of July 2022
Hi I have a dog her name is shadow and she has separation anxiety to how can I help her not to be scared to be by herself that’s why I am replying to you and I need your help to help my mum‘s dog shadow to be anxious free or anxiety free because every time we go out somewhere she hasn’t anxiety attack thank you and have a good day
Monday 1st of March 2021
Good for you Sporkie!
Nancy Shirley
Saturday 14th of November 2020
thank you! i love my chu!
Saturday 14th of November 2020
You are welcome Nancy!
Tuesday 6th of October 2020
My 3 month year old chi copied my old cocker spaniel who is house trained and no longer pees in the house! The joys of having a relaxed senior dog!
My chis favourite thing to do is his puzzle game which we got on Amazon. When he is older enough and summer comes we are going to train him on the paddleboard!!
He has also learnt 'turn around' which is spinning on the spot. This took a while. He at first just barked at me for the whole hour.....
Thanks for this helpful blog! I especially loved the bit about staying present. I recently deleted social media because I realised i spent far too much time photographing my chi than actually loving him for just being himself :)
Tuesday 6th of October 2020
You are very welcome! Which puzzle game did you get him on Amazon?
Val McCready
Sunday 9th of February 2020
Did someone just say that Chis are hard to train to do tricks?? I have 2, 5 lb Chis and they are amazing to teach new tricks to. I just tought them to play hide and seek and they're very good at it. In fact I'm running out of places to hide the treats because they remember all the previous places I've put them before. I also try to trip them up by adding an obstacle or game they have to figure out, for example take 3 empty toilet paper rolls and put a treat in one then place them together on the floor with the treat in the middle one. Not only do they have to find it but figure out how to get it. I hide their toys with a treat underneath and some without, it's awesome when you see them figure it out and they get so excited when I praise them with a "good job".
Sunday 9th of February 2020
You got some smart fur babies Val.
Raylee Heading
Saturday 8th of February 2020
This has nothing to do with tricks for chihuahua but I would like t know what i can do about my neighbours chi barking. We live in a retirement village so our villas are adjoining , and every time my neighbour goes out and leaves her chi at home the dog barks for hours and i have spoken to her so many times about the dog barking to no avail so can anyone please suggest what she can use to control her barking. The dog s a chihuahua x about the size of a maltese.
Saturday 8th of February 2020
That's a tough one. It sounds like the dog has separation anxiety. She can try an anxiety wrap like a Thunder Shirt, or get a companion dog for her dog. I can ask on our facebook page and see if they have some more ideas for you if you want.