Teacup chihuahuas are known for their small size and often look like puppies their whole life! Considering adopting a dog? Read these 10 things you should know about teacup chihuahuas.

Teacup Chihuahuas: Fact Vs Fiction
We’ll break down the myths around this classification of Chihuahua so that you can weigh all of the pros and cons before you find a teacup chihuahua for sale.
Chihuahua owners love all things small, and no dog is smaller than a teacup chihuahua. They are sometimes referred to as micro chihuahuas or mini chihuahuas!
These special dogs often look like puppies their entire lives, and some teacup chihuahuas may never grow larger than the palm of your hand.
Teacup chihuahuas do unfortunately suffer more health problems than standard chihuahuas due to their size.
They also have shorter lifespans. The average lifespan of teacup chihuahuas is between 7 and 12 years.

What Is a Teacup Chihuahua?
“Teacup” is not an official breed or type of chihuahua. Breeders use the term to describe any tiny chihuahua. It is a catch-all phrase used to describe any mini chihuahua that is smaller than average.
You may also hear a breeder call a teacup chihuahua, a miniature chihuahua, mini toy chihuahua, tiny toy, or pocket size.
When a chihuahua dog has puppies, she normally has a runt in the litter. Runts are smaller than their brothers and sisters; they may never look fully grown.
A miniature chihuahua is also more prone to health issues when compared to its bigger siblings, so the chihuahua lifespan may vary between types.
Teacup chihuahua puppies are usually runts from their litter. Sometimes, teacup puppies are the result of breeding two runts together. Teacup chihuahua breeders coined the term “teacup” to make runts more appealing to buyers.
The Chihuahua Club of America condemns “teacup” as a misnomer. They find the term misleading, and they worry that it could trick unsuspecting buyers into spending more money than necessary.
Let’s take a closer look at some teacup chihuahua facts and other information to help you decide if this kind of chihuahua breed puppy would make a good addition to your family.

How Big Do Teacup Chihuahuas Get?
Some teacup chihuahuas may actually fit inside a teacup. Others may not. Because “teacup” isn’t a recognized classification of chihuahua, its definition is up to the breeder or owner.
Some full grown teacup chihuahuas indeed look like miniature chihuahuas for their entire lives. Chihuahuas are full-grown by eight months to a year old. If your chi is a tiny dog on its birthday, it won’t be getting any bigger.
You can generally expect an adult teacup chihuahua to weigh less than four pounds. They may never grow taller than six inches in height.
Height and weight benchmarks are subjective, though, so you may meet a teacup chihuahua that doesn’t fit this description.
Are They Prone To Health Issues?
They are prone to many health issues for such a tiny dog. In fact, their miniature size is exactly what predisposes them to so many health problems.
Standard chis are at risk for several health conditions because of their small stature. Their tiny frames are delicate and easily injured.
When you breed two runts together to make a teacup, you multiply the number of potential health risks.
Bone fractures are common in teacup chihuahuas. Teacup dogs of all breeds have increased rates of heart disease. Tiny bladders and tiny tummies predispose teacups to incontinence and hypoglycemia.
Other health problems they face include:
- Epilepsy
- Eye diseases
- Hydrocephalus
- Luxating patellas
- Collapsed trachea
- Allergies
- Periodontal disease

How Long Do Teacup Chihuahuas Live?
Standard chihuahuas have an average lifespan of twelve to twenty years. Some may live to be over 20 years old.
Unfortunately, the smaller the dog, the more likely it will have a shorter lifespan than average. Their tiny frames aren’t made to support long lives.
If the chi is the result of two runts, the teacup chihuahua lifespan could be even shorter.
The Chihuahua Club of America warns they may need extra care to live long, healthy lives. Their health issues should be kept in check with regular vet visits.
Characteristics of a Mini Chihuahua
A teacup chihuahua can have either short or long hair. Even though these dogs are much smaller in size compared to other small dog breeds, they are still full of the same confidence and energy as larger chihuahua dogs that are full-sized.
Guinness World Records gave the title of smallest living dog to a female chihuahua back in 2013. She was only 3.8 inches tall and weighed less than an ounce at birth.
Instead of fitting into a teacup, she surprisingly fit into a teaspoon! She was often labeled “teaspoon chihuahua”.

Should You Adopt a Teacup Chihuahua?
The decision to adopt a pup is yours alone to make. Everyone wishes their dog could stay a puppy forever, and teacup chihuahua owners get to live that dream.
However, they do come at a price. Health issues can stack up quickly.
That said, any owner would tell you that they love their fur-baby with all of their heart. If you own a teacup chihuahua, you know how special he or she is to you.
Even though teacup chihuahuas require extra care, they make excellent pets for devoted, responsible owners.
Still on the fence about getting a teacup chihuahua? Let’s break down a few reasons below to help you decide.
They Are a Royal And Loyal Dog Breed
They have unique personalities and run the gamut between quirky and energetic to goofy and diva-like.
No matter what, they are usually very affectionate with their owners. They love to snuggle up and create a strong bond with their family. They are extremely loyal and grow very attached to their owner.
Loud But Proud Dog Breed
Just like other types of chihuahua, the teacup variety is still just as lively and as excitable despite their very tiny size.
To make up for their small stature, they do tend to bark a lot and very loudly, but a little training early on can help curb this habit.

Chihuahuas Are Courageous And Protective
Even though they are known as a miniature version of the world’s smallest dog, teacup chihuahuas are very courageous and are great protectors.
Their barking will warn you of any danger there may be, and they are very alert.
What Is The Difference Between a Teacup Chihuahua And a Standard Chihuahua?
A teacup is a very small dog breed even when compared to a standard chihuahua. For this reason, they aren’t the ideal dog for every family.
They are known to have much shorter tempers and may end up being more aggressive than standard chihuahuas.
Their care also requires much more time and effort on the part of the owner, which includes more responsibility because of their smaller size.
If you’re interested in more chihuahua facts, check out our main post that showcases them all!
Be sure to also check out these adorable sweaters that will fit tiny chihuahuas.

Friday 1st of March 2024
I have a teacup chihiahua he weighs a little ober a pound i got him six months ago he was a starved puppy he wants to eat constinetly always eating whatever he find and he poops like 12 times a day his hips arent doing so well and he hasnt grown that much at all he is now a yeat old and my boyfriend wont stop feeding him people food and wet dogfood lots of ìt too this dog is so aggressive he bites everyone and he bites you till you bleed we have had him eight months and i dont think he likes us what do i do about this dog he gets all my attention we have a real old dog and this dog bites him to where my old dog cant walk my oĺd dog has demenia so he is alreadey confused and he ìs going blind this teacup is so mean to him whay do i do and if he keeps eating like this will it kill him faster cause he was statved as a puppy
Cathy Bendzunas
Friday 1st of March 2024
Wow, he sounds like a handful Kim. Has he seen a vet? If he hasn't gained weight but is eating a lot, there may be an underlying medical issue. He also needs some training and socializing. He could use an obedience class although if he is a bite, they may not allow him in a class with other dogs. I feel bad for your older dog. Poor old guy. When your chi bites the other dog, what do you do?
Wednesday 30th of November 2022
Hello I’m considering adopting a tea cup chihuahua I have had 2 wonderful chihuahuas who lived happily and healthily and much loved I am concerned that should I take on a companion that at 64 years of age myself this would be a good idea considering the longevity of my previous chihuahuas and my own age any advice would be much appreciated. Kind Regards Ann Fox
Tuesday 2nd of May 2023
I just bought a sopposidly tea cup chi and I’ve had him 2 months now and he’s grown a lot and he’s face isn’t as flat as the pictures I’ve seen and he has long legs. I love him so much he’s mine forever regardless if he’s tea cup or not and I paid $1500 does that seem right???
Wednesday 30th of November 2022
Do you have anyone who could be the "godmother " or "godfather"? I'm close to your age and when I got my dogs, I found friends and family who agreed to take my dog(s) if I passed before they did. Also teacups typically don't live as long as normal sized chihuahuas
Tuesday 18th of October 2022
Love the photo of your 4 fur babies, they look so contented and keeping warm inside your cosy chair. The article on tea cup chis is the best I have read. All the best to you Cathy, you are one of life's caring people.
Tuesday 18th of October 2022
Thank you Sandra!
Saturday 11th of July 2020
My mama chi had 3 babies at 3 oz each. For 2 weeks they all grew at the same rate then Bella stopped gaining weight at the same rate as her brother and sister. She is 9 years old now and weighs 3 pounds.. She is healthy, jumps on and off the furniture better than my larger chis. She skips meals when she is not hungry but will eat as much as my other chis that weigh from 5 - 8 pounds. I have been very lucky with all 6 of my fur babies.
Peggy Zemansky
Tuesday 18th of October 2022
@Tammy, Sorry about your baby I have a teacup chi she is 3 pounds And 13 years old thankfully no health issues brush her teeth every night vet says best chihuahua teeth ever as she has all 42 teeth She goes everywhere with me she know the word downlow and hides in bag in fine restaurants and grocery stores every one loves her especially children she is so sweet never barks or snaps likes to dress up and get attention
Chis are the best
Saturday 11th of July 2020
@Jacqui, My Baby is a chi and Feist mix and she only weighs 3.5 pounds about 7 inches tall and she has definitely been a sick baby. She is 6 years old and has been hospitalized several times 😢. I had no idea she would be this tiny when I adopted her. love her dearly but she has had some big vet bills.
Saturday 11th of July 2020
Yes you have been very lucky Jacqui!
Saturday 11th of July 2020
I have 2 Chi’s Hugo & Pedro. Both very small and very adorable. Hugo is 1.7lbs Pedro 3.4lbs. I didn’t think there was any such thing as a teacup Chi, I thought they were just the runts. My Chi’s are very healthy though, I’m thankful to say. I don’t think I would ever have another dog breed, they both go everywhere with me.
Saturday 11th of July 2020
You are very lucky Lisa that your babies are healthy being as tiny as they are. I bet they are adorable!