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What You Should Know Before Getting a Chihuahua

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Thinking of getting a chihuahua? Here’s everything you need to know about chi personalities, the health of chihuahuas in general, even how to train a chihuahua, and more!

I sometimes get emails from people who have never had a chihuahua and wonder if they should get one.

They ask about what they should know before getting a chihuahua. I give them my two cents worth but decided it might be easier to just send them to a post. And to get the point of view of other chihuahua pet parents.

So I asked on our Facebook page and got over 900 responses!

A lot of the responses were similar. Below is a list of the most common responses given. 

Of course there are exceptions to  every rule so if you read these and think “my chihuahua isn’t like this”, then yours may be the exception. My chis didn’t fit some of these  things either.

I have linked to the things in this list that we have articles on.


Chihuahua being held by veterinarian


While your chihuahua will be unique, there is a general personality shared by most chihuahua dogs. Getting to know your pup will be an adventure, but here are a few personality traits that you can probably look forward to!

  • They are very protective and are mighty little warriors.
  • Chis like to lick.
  • Chis love to snuggle
  • They can be a bully to other pets in your home, no matter how big those pets are.
  • Chihuahuas are very smart, but stubborn little dogs.
  • They can be sneaky.
  • Chis tend to be needy and crave a lot of attention.
  • They don’t like to be alone and often have separation anxiety.
  • They can be quirky and often have strong personalities.
  • Chihuahuas love to bark a lot.
  • They tend to bond with one person and don’t do well with young children.
  • Chis love to be held.
  • Watch how much you feed them as they can put on weight fast.


long hair chihuahua by pee accident


  • Be very careful when walking, especially when they are pups, as you can accidentally kick them or step on them. A collar with a bell really helps.
  • Chihuahuas do better with a playmate their size. So get another chihuahua.
  • Watch them closely when outside. Birds of prey and other wild animals (coyotes, wolves, etc.) can snatch them in a second.
  • Chihuahuas are indoor dogs and should never sleep outside at night.
  • If getting your chi from a rescue, check out the rescue and find out as much as you can about the dog’s background.
  • If getting a puppy from a breeder, ask lots of questions about the parents, ask to see the parents… do they look like Chihuahuas? Are they friendly? Does the breeder health test and do they know about the breed? And if something goes wrong that they will refund your money? Click the link to find out more about how to find a reputable dog breeder.

How Your Life Will Change

chihuahua on wooden steps

  • You won’t need a doorbell.
  • You will never be alone again. They will be your constant shadow. You will forever have a bathroom buddy.
  • It’s hard to stop at just one chihuahua. It’s VERY important to know that if you are to get a Chihuahua you will become addicted to having more. There’s no cure.
  • If you give them a chance, they will rule you and your household.
  • They will take over your bed, couch and especially your blankets so you need to check before sitting or laying down to be sure there isn’t a chi hiding within them.
  • Chis will show you the greatest love you’ll ever know.
  • A lot of them like to steal dirty clothes such as socks and underwear.
  • Chihuahuas are so entertaining, especially if you have more than one chi. Just watching them chase each other around and play is loads of fun.
  • Because of their size and being somewhat fragile, you will need to change things in your house such as having steps or ramps for your bed and couch, extra blankets, dog beds in rooms they hang out in, etc.

What would you add to this list? Leave a comment and let us know if you agree with these things and what you would tell someone before getting a chihuahua.



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cute chihuahua in brown sweater


Are Chihuahuas Good for First Time Owners?

Mikhayla Abraham

Thursday 25th of April 2024

Hi everyone, I’m turning 18 in a few months and I have been planning for 3 years to get a dog before recently deciding on getting a chi chi. I have everything planned out and only have to get my parents on board as I live with them and most likely will be until I get married. I wanted to know if anyone has any tips to help explain why I want to get a dog right before uni starts. They don’t hate chis but they have generally heard bad things about chi chis. Also any advice about getting a chi that isn’t normally talked about?

Cathy Bendzunas

Thursday 25th of April 2024

It is really important to get your parents on board with this as they will have to help with your chi when you aren't there. For example, if they aren't consistent with potty training, your dog will get mixed messages and be totally confused and will never get properly trained. I don't know how to get them on board with this or convince them it's a good idea. Maybe if you present it as this dog will help you with the stress and anxiety of going to college. Once your parents get to meet your chihuahua, they Usually sell themselves. They are so sweet and adorable, it would be hard to resist their charms


Sunday 7th of January 2024

I have an -Approximately 8 year old male chihuahua. My stepdaughter is giving us a chihuahua puppy when the pup is 8-10 weeks old. This pup is also a male but will eventually get neutered like our current male. Our boy Manny is fixed on my husband as well as myself. He’s a sweet boy, protective of us, and can be an ankle biter with certain company. He goes potty outside and loves walks. We are wondering what his reactions will be with this new pup and if you could give us any pointers?

Cathy Bendzunas

Monday 8th of January 2024

They probably won't get along at first but give it some time. Chihuahuas like other Chihuahuas and will usually bond with them quicker than other breeds. I do have an article that may help you:

Walter Dobbins

Saturday 6th of January 2024

My wife and I got our first chihuahua after the Joplin Tornado in 2011 we named him Pooky we had him for over 13 years he had to be at least 3 years before we got him. He had seizures but we was able to get him out of them. Pooky was starting to deteriorate in health wise but we loved him til we had to put him down April of last year we made a pact and told him we would get another dog got a Shepard but to big for us then we got another chihuahua named Gemini and her nickname is Nye Nye she has brought alot of joy in our life and proud to have her. She even put her pawn on Pooky urn and stared at his picture. He was a full blooded blue chihuahua and she is a full blooded deer head chihuahua

Cathy Bendzunas

Monday 8th of January 2024

I have to ask, what happened to the Shepherd? NyeNye is a cute name Walter.


Wednesday 27th of September 2023

We have a 9 year old long hair girl. Abreeder rescue, we have had her for 6 years. There ia a hierarchy. She loves my wife, likes me, tolerates our adult daughter, hates our adult son. We cannot figure out why she hates him. He has tried to get her to like him. In fact, he was the one that sat with her and got her to come out of her crate when we brought her home. Any suggestions?

Cathy Bendzunas

Wednesday 27th of September 2023

For a few weeks, have your son do all the things for her such as feed her, take her for walks, take her for rides to Starbucks to get a Puppicino, anything she loves and it may turn her around. Give it at least 2 weeks though.

Monday 14th of February 2022

Hi, The best thing about my situation is.. I have twin boys.they were born January 13.two boys Jaxs & Bentley Buford. I'm Excited 😁 I want be able too get them until the 3rd week of March. Thanks 😎


Monday 14th of February 2022

Congratulations! Puppies are so fun!